1343427 My father always sleeps while watching the TV. Chrikaru 319107 My father works at the factory as an engineer. CM 3127924 My findings suggest that that is not the case. CK 453647 My friends dropped by to see me the other day. FeuDRenais 251368 My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. CK 1485691 My grandmother mailed the letter this morning. CK 2193167 My great-grandfather was the leader of a gang. Tamy 251530 My little brother was injured in the accident. CK 251818 My mother always gets up early in the morning. CK 1259386 My mother goes to the hospital in the morning. CK 2820767 My mother won't let us keep pets in the house. sharptoothed 2267597 My room is number fourteen on the third floor. _undertoad 245588 My sister asked me to lend her the dictionary. CK 250958 My sister used to take care of the flower bed. CK 251183 My uncle is in charge of the third-year class. CK 251182 My uncle was involved in the traffic accident. CK 244116 My wife has faults. None the less, I love her. CK 23578 My wife holds the purse strings in our family. NekoKanjya 244156 My wife is getting tired of the daily routine. CK 558492 My wife went to the powder room to freshen up. darinmex 36205 Nancy comes from what we call the aristocracy. CM 36207 Nancy is the most beautiful of the four girls. CK 673213 Napoleon lived in exile on the island of Elba. darinmex 52782 No one came to the party except John and Dick. CK 28904 No one knows the real reason why we love dogs. CK 36532 No river in the world is longer than the Nile. CK 47765 Nobody seemed to have a motive for the murder. CK 276685 None of them would admit to being the culprit. CM 875604 Not everything can be the way we want, Teresa. alexmarcelo 2669240 Not knowing what to do is the biggest problem. bilginhalil 49681 On hearing the bad news, she burst into tears. CM 456545 On the contrary, I've never said such a thing. lukaszpp 270114 One cannot do lots of things at the same time. CM 807558 One of Hamilton's friends explained the rules. Source_VOA 2944712 One of the items on your wish list is on sale. CK 319716 Our walk was spoiled by the wind and the rain. Hautis 862973 Our world is only a tiny part of the universe. papabear 1256797 Over the holidays, I spent days doing nothing. NekoKanjya 2230657 Over time, he got used to the new environment. freddy1 1627 Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. LittleBoy 2063228 Patch the call through to my office, will you? darinmex 33642 Paul went to the party in place of his father. CK 277531 People are taking sides on the abortion issue. CM 1585054 People, like metal, only shine on the surface. Gulliver 34888 Peter remarked that the pudding was too sweet. CM 1398420 Please complete the attached application form. Eldad 319486 Please do not enter the room without knocking. CK 669601 Please don't blow your nose on the tablecloth. darinmex 1398413 Please fill out the attached application form. Eldad 416542 Please go at the most convenient time for you. Scott