2259339 The liveliness of the gathering surprised me. _undertoad 1494017 The magazine you lent me is very interesting. CK 244953 The magazines are piled up next to the table. CM 2640371 The maid asked if we wanted the room cleaned. CK 2268383 The majority of those men worked in the mine. _undertoad 681527 The man is mourning after receiving sad news. Source_VOA 2640370 The man on the floor had a knife in his back. CK 1494022 The man she's going to marry is an astronaut. CK 45302 The man turned out to be a private detective. CK 73152 The man who telephoned an hour ago was Frank. CK 57752 The manager of this store is growing a beard. CK 72413 The medicine has to be taken every six hours. CM 671644 The Medieval Era gave way to the Renaissance. darinmex 22477 The meeting has been put off until next week. CK 22568 The meeting was canceled because of the rain. NekoKanjya 22444 The meeting will start at four o'clock sharp. NekoKanjya 44021 The method was too expensive to be practical. CM 807537 The Mexican government had grown even weaker. Source_VOA 45098 The middle aged man was charged with assault. CM 19452 The milkman came around at six every morning. NekoKanjya 293726 The moment he was alone, he wrote the letter. CM 18584 The money was hidden beneath the floorboards. piksea 1638024 The most dangerous beast is the beast within. dimitris 244937 The murder happened between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. CM 682387 The museum has an exhibit of ancient weapons. Source_VOA 50682 The naughty girl assumed an air of innocence. CM 18666 The neighbors took turns sitting up with him. piksea 269132 The new bridge is in process of construction. CM 269112 The new house didn't live up to expectations. CK 269339 The new president wants to build up the army. CM 46094 The newly married couple walked hand in hand. CM 45211 The news caused alarm throughout the village. CM 47150 The news of the accident caused public alarm. CK 269395 The newspaper says that he committed suicide. CK 46506 The novelist gathered materials for his work. CK 275630 The number of college students is increasing. CK 680737 The number of employees doubled in ten years. Source_VOA 263336 The number of private colleges has increased. CK 22378 The office was besieged by anxious inquiries. NekoKanjya 239970 The old church by the lake is very beautiful. CK 43371 The old man left a large fortune to his wife. Dejo 326448 The old man saw my notebook and smiled at me. CK 43391 The old man stopped suddenly and looked back. CK 43349 The old man walked across the road carefully. CK 2044306 The older brother became a successful trader. AlanF_US 302340 The older he grew, the more modest he became. CM 50603 The orange didn't taste either sweet or sour. CM 31525 The other committee consists of four members. CK 245042 The participants accused him of carelessness. CK 27787 The party stayed in Kyoto for a short period. NekoKanjya