English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "The" in Example Sentences
Page 907

22255	The sea is to fish what the sky is to birds.	CK
808499	The secret of her beauty is her naturalness.	helmfer
23659	The section chief made me work like a slave.	NekoKanjya
681198	The shopping list included a gallon of milk.	Source_VOA
320524	The sidewalk was covered with fallen leaves.	CK
269318	The site for the new school has been bought.	CM
1400254	The skyscraper is in the center of the city.	Balamax
272571	The snow prevented us from arriving on time.	CK
320121	The soldiers were ordered to make an attack.	CM
805357	The soldiers were tried in court for murder.	Source_VOA
1894272	The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I in 1957.	Spamster
241159	The speaker sometimes referred to his notes.	CM
569018	The spider web glistened in the morning dew.	darinmex
2268545	The squeaking of the door gets on my nerves.	_undertoad
279864	The stolen car was found in the parking lot.	Eldad
44886	The store was crowded with holiday shoppers.	CM
57066	The stories in the book are written for her.	adjusting
43277	The story may sound strange, but it is true.	jakov
21362	The students are for the most part diligent.	NekoKanjya
681410	The students used a magnet in science class.	Source_VOA
21430	The students wanted us to help push the car.	CK
43701	The subject has not yet been fully explored.	Eldad
682250	The subway in London is known as "the Tube."	Source_VOA
72909	The sum of two plus three plus four is nine.	CM
24313	The summer vacation lasts a couple of weeks.	NekoKanjya
275047	The sun soon emerged from behind the clouds.	CM
319636	The supervisor bought a really fast machine.	CM
21983	The surgeon took out his patient's appendix.	NekoKanjya
1006279	The syntax of Python scripts is very simple.	sysko
272940	The teacher didn't permit me to leave early.	CK
273072	The teacher distributed the question papers.	CK
272983	The teacher excused me from the examination.	CK
272785	The teacher interpreted the sentence for us.	CK
681263	The teacher joked that she was 90 years old.	Source_VOA
681331	The teacher led the class in singing a song.	Source_VOA
272882	The teacher praised the boy for his honesty.	CK
272948	The teacher showed us how to use a computer.	CK
1316059	The terrible scene made him tremble in fear.	CK
805382	The Texans began to organize their own army.	Source_VOA
278613	The thief cursed the police for finding him.	CK
19197	The thief forced her to hand over the money.	CK
278633	The thief made off with the woman's handbag.	CK
2268590	The thieves opened the door with a pass key.	_undertoad
414157	The time is always right to do what's right.	Scott
283020	The time will come when he will regret this.	sacredceltic
325581	The tourist asked for lodging for the night.	CK
48069	The traffic accident is fresh in his memory.	CM
286757	The train he was on could no longer be seen.	Swift
268526	The treaty bans the use of chemical weapons.	CK
265070	The tree bent under the weight of the fruit.	CM