238387 The police aren't allowed to drink on duty. CK 238281 The police charged Sachiyo with the murder. CK 680879 The police expect people to follow the law. Source_VOA 238238 The police observed the man enter the bank. CK 686100 The police officer wore a bulletproof vest. CK 283557 The police suspect that he robbed the bank. CK 2783363 The police were able to verify Tom's alibi. CK 1305885 The police will pursue her for a long time. eastasiastudent 50606 The policeman arrested the man on the spot. CK 2953366 The policeman escorted Tom out of the room. CK 238137 The policeman spoke to a man on the street. CK 682123 The policeman suspected the man was guilty. Source_VOA 238119 The policeman whistled for the car to stop. CK 238068 The policeman's quick arrival surprised us. CM 44293 The poor man finally became a great artist. CK 63441 The poor old woman was robbed of her money. CK 324550 The post office is adjacent to the library. CM 3147932 The price of coffee has doubled since then. CK 25612 The princess couldn't help laughing at him. CK 247466 The principal of our school is an American. CK 1388230 The prisoner was found guilty by the judge. CM 807483 The prisoners themselves could say nothing. Source_VOA 2770722 The problem is that I don't have any money. Nero 2662849 The problem seems to have corrected itself. CK 2662848 The problem was we didn't have enough time. CK 43715 The problem will resolve itself eventually. CM 19006 The professor seemed to be lost in thought. LittleBoy 320067 The progress of civilization is very rapid. CM 1219830 The prophet Muhammad died in Medina in 632. AKINCI81 239088 The prosecutor asked me a leading question. CK 246095 The puppy grew larger and larger every day. CK 576698 The puppy looked at her with very sad eyes. FeuDRenais 267265 The queen was gracious enough to invite us. CM 323862 The question is how we can raise the money. CM 323909 The question is whether she can be trusted. CM 323898 The question is who will make the decision. Dejo 680850 The rain water is evaporating on a hot day. Source_VOA 324286 The rapid increase of imports surprised us. CK 23400 The reasons for our failure are as follows. al_ex_an_der 562059 The recent events have affected him deeply. darinmex 1686018 The red house is the house that Jack built. gleki 2268487 The restaurant is next door to the theater. _undertoad 48389 The result was far from being satisfactory. CM 452260 The Rhine flows between France and Germany. enwilson 43975 The riot was suppressed without difficulty. CM 681953 The road is blocked because of an accident. Source_VOA 44241 The room was empty except for a shabby bed. Zifre 44203 The room was littered with scraps of paper. CM 1629230 The sad part is that nobody will ever know. marcelostockle 681030 The school is five kilometers from my home. Source_VOA