318380 The hospital is near here. CK 1 49328 The house is owned by him. CK 1 3002983 The humidity is very high. CK 1 25640 The king abused his power. CK 1 22502 The meeting was held here. CK 1 2451586 The message was in French. CK 1 1950177 The news can't all be bad. CK 1 326437 The old man sat all alone. CK 1 2276876 The old rules don't apply. CK 1 64906 The opera starts at seven. CK 1 278309 The pain is getting worse. CK 1 1039954 The party wasn't much fun. CK 1 2280417 The phone started ringing. CK 1 318098 The plane turned eastward. CM 1 45111 The pond is 3 meters deep. CK 1 664046 The price isn't important. bluepie88 1 2663478 The problem here isn't me. CK 1 2663477 The problem's been solved. CK 1 3007548 The rain's not letting up. CK 1 2272101 The reason doesn't matter. CK 1 50335 The shirt is large for me. CM 1 268509 The situation is hopeless. CK 1 44100 The soldier gave his name. CK 1 50295 The spy burned the papers. CK 1 53472 The stew was not half bad. CM 1 275116 The sun has not risen yet. CK 1 325170 The thunder became louder. CK 1 2252588 The townspeople applauded. CK 1 43422 The train arrived on time. CK 1 326208 The train finally arrived. CK 1 265106 The truth is I told a lie. CK 1 594748 The weather won't be fine. CK 1 319681 The wind blew her hat off. CK 1 1308090 The woman hugged the baby. CK 1 326360 The workers are on strike. CK 1 2713355 There's a map on the wall. CK 1 370726 They are both in the room. saeb 1 306019 They arrived at the hotel. CK 1 2276872 They didn't find the bomb. CK 1 2278275 They don't know the rules. CK 1 2278291 They don't want the truth. CK 1 2280425 They entered the elevator. CK 1 306315 They live near the school. CK 1 2278305 They won't get the chance. CK 1 1690124 This is the perfect place. Spamster 1 2955598 Tom and I aren't the same. CK 1 1095774 Tom bet $300 on the fight. CK 1 1026774 Tom can't get the lid off. CK 1 1095234 Tom completed the mission. CK 1 1094992 Tom cut the apple in half. CK 1