276901 The man cheated her out of her money. CK 45297 The man denied having stolen the car. CK 45365 The man had something under his coat. CK 2248842 The man I met yesterday was Mr. Hill. CK 276882 The man is wearing a pair of glasses. CK 3023999 The man on the porch looked like Tom. CK 276869 The man was hiding in a dense forest. CM 45356 The man was sitting on a fallen tree. CK 1458926 The man washing the car is Mr. Jones. CK 266786 The man who stepped out was frowning. CK 45382 The man's name was Francisco Pizzaro. CM 32503 The manager deals with many problems. CK 50424 The matter is still under discussion. CK 246168 The Mayor addressed a large audience. CK 266452 The meeting broke up at nine o'clock. CK 22503 The meeting ended earlier than usual. CK 49150 The meeting will take place tomorrow. CK 2820877 The method hasn't been perfected yet. sharptoothed 298113 The moment he saw me, he waved to me. CK 2327236 The Mona Lisa has an enigmatic smile. Hybrid 243376 The moon is shining brightly tonight. CK 263847 The more one has, the more one wants. CM 40988 The more you have, the more you want. Swift 277765 The morning is just a few hours away. CK 681801 The mother cat protected her kittens. Source_VOA 31134 The motor does not function properly. CK 46119 The new bridge is under construction. CK 269203 The new tax law is full of loopholes. CM 2268417 The newspaper had very good pictures. _undertoad 1388188 The next day, Isabela came back home. CK 324980 The next year, World War I broke out. CM 2890322 The notice was put on the front page. sharptoothed 20975 The nurse anticipated all his wishes. CK 20988 The nurse will tell you how to do it. CK 50609 The old woman has no one to help her. CK 249151 The older we grow, the less we dream. CM 273092 The other day, I got a call from her. CM 251568 The pain in my back is getting worse. CK 268968 The pain in my heart just gets worse. CM 60821 The paint on the door is not dry yet. CK 50039 The party came to an end at midnight. CM 2097072 The patient can't keep his food down. erikspen 48878 The patient is in critical condition. CM 462850 The pencils have already been bought. lukaszpp 807304 The people expected a victory speech. Source_VOA 1230774 The people here are used to the cold. alec 803124 The people knew he did not like them. Source_VOA 807305 The people rejected the constitution. Source_VOA 1345739 The person she's talking to is Allan. CK 23743 The petals are floating on the water. kebukebu