English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "The" in Example Sentences
Page 667

278147	Can you see the snow-topped mountain?	CK
3329741	Can you turn on the air conditioning?	CK
839816	China is the biggest country in Asia.	boracasli
277495	China is the largest country in Asia.	CK
1232239	Choose the T-shirt you like the best.	falcons84
276803	Clean the ashes out of the fireplace.	CK
493574	Close the window before going to bed.	adjusting
268687	Coffee will be served after the meal.	CK
807281	Congress did not approve the measure.	Source_VOA
574172	Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.	FeuDRenais
1556528	Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark.	brymck
1986352	Correct the errors, if there are any.	Eldad
1650193	Could you drop me at the bus station?	Amastan
984149	Could you drop me off at the library?	Guybrush88
1992379	Could you please put the baby to bed?	CK
3329450	Could you please repeat the question?	CK
62870	Could you take me to the Grand Hotel?	CK
280265	Could you tell me the way to the zoo?	blay_paul
2427964	Could you turn off the radio, please?	eternica
276224	Did anyone hear John leave the house?	Dejo
1798621	Did you loose anyone out of the boat?	Guybrush88
1886136	Did you remember to turn off the gas?	CK
274253	Did you request a seat by the window?	Eldad
3096138	Did you see the sunrise this morning?	CK
3202527	Did you tell the police what Tom did?	CK
31747	Do any of the members agree with you?	CK
246131	Do I have to dial the area code, too?	CK
277262	Do we have to lie flat on the ground?	CK
2265763	Do what's directed in the prospectus.	_undertoad
2649702	Do you have a file in the tool chest?	sharptoothed
2951668	Do you have the authority to do that?	CK
2948072	Do you like the poem I wrote for you?	Hybrid
279672	Do you see that ship near the island?	Nero
60678	Does this bus go to the Hilton Hotel?	CK
28067	Don't be afraid of seeing the doctor.	NekoKanjya
404824	Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.	MUIRIEL
239515	Don't open your umbrella in the hall.	CM
274704	Don't pry into the affairs of others.	CK
47577	Don't put off the work till tomorrow.	CM
1211820	Don't put so much pepper in the soup.	CK
41492	Don't run down the stairs so noisily.	CM
66487	Don't scrape your chair on the floor.	CK
1341448	English is the language of the world.	CK
62878	Every member of the club was present.	CK
271129	Everybody in the world desires peace.	CK
1398514	Everyone smiles in the same language.	bart
1349850	Except for Taro, Jiro is the tallest.	CK
264990	Excuse me, but may I open the window?	CK
51440	Excuse me, but might I use the phone?	CK
282321	Farmers work hard in the winter, too.	CM