24105 The furniture was dusty. CK 1 47281 The game was called off. CK 1 263527 The game was rained out. CK 1 46890 The grass needs cutting. CK 1 19903 The guests are all gone. CK 1 2645451 The guns weren't loaded. CK 1 49899 The hotel is down there. CK 1 49330 The house has been sold. CK 1 24147 The house was in flames. CK 1 243618 The imposter was caught. CK 1 245391 The job is a lot of fun. CK 1 732315 The key is on the table. Eldad 1 478354 The lock must be broken. NekoKanjya 1 894704 The meeting is tomorrow. pauldhunt 1 387413 The moon is already out. CK 1 45234 The news made him happy. CK 1 35952 The news quickly spread. CK 1 268505 The odds are against us. CK 1 35629 The party was a failure. CK 1 386722 The party was a success. Mouseneb 1 238177 The police are after me. CK 1 45250 The price is reasonable. CK 1 29797 The radio is a bit loud. CK 1 2618202 The rain turned to snow. CK 1 2272102 The rest doesn't matter. CK 1 280410 The road was very rough. CK 1 50650 The rumor can't be true. CK 1 273415 The ship dropped anchor. CK 1 18344 The sky is getting dark. CK 1 645082 The snowstorm continued. CK 1 325308 The storm has died down. CK 1 325267 The storm sank the boat. CK 1 275087 The sun is about to set. CK 1 275066 The sun is just setting. CM 1 275079 The sun melted the snow. CK 1 2045763 The sunset is beautiful. CK 1 277845 The tide is rising fast. CK 1 2252589 The townspeople cheered. CK 1 326224 The train has just gone. CK 1 279218 The train has just left. CK 1 1286887 The train leaves at six. CK 1 43798 The tree grew very tall. CK 1 43780 The tree was blown down. CK 1 2545844 The TV isn't plugged in. CK 1 50714 The two men shook hands. CK 1 2268642 The water began to boil. _undertoad 1 270834 The water turned to ice. CK 1 278936 The weather became warm. CK 1 2262870 The weather is terrible. CK 1 238733 The wedding was put off. CK 1