1127885 The garbage disposal is very loud. nadsat 3022406 The garbage smells to high heaven. sharptoothed 249624 The girl has to match me in skill. CM 1077661 The girl speaks English very well. keira_n 46432 The girl treated her horse kindly. CK 906306 The girl under the tree looks sad. papabear 1771482 The girl wore a light blue kimono. Scott 2255677 The governor abused his authority. _undertoad 807194 The governor of Texas was furious. Source_VOA 2057003 The Greens are against everything. halfb1t 50519 The group is running on the beach. CK 807195 The gunman was found to be insane. Source_VOA 1007973 The heater is warming up the room. AOCinJAPAN 33893 The helicopter is flying very low. CK 3089478 The helicopter landed on the roof. Hybrid 282381 The horse is a very useful animal. CM 49377 The house is insured against fire. CK 804319 The House voted three weeks later. Source_VOA 49357 The house was pleasant to live in. CM 285283 The ice gave way under his weight. CK 46179 The information was quite useless. CK 844017 The interview began at 10 o'clock. J_S 262797 The issue is quite familiar to us. CK 2540432 The Jacksons were married in 2003. CK 47664 The job must be finished by 3 p.m. CK 52801 The Johnsons love to have parties. CK 2247165 The judge overruled the objection. CK 2247164 The judge sustained the objection. CK 1797672 The kids jumped on the trampoline. Spamster 25638 The king ruled his kingdom justly. Zifre 680365 The kitten is between the puppies. Source_VOA 748390 The knife belongs to the gardener. Dejo 42415 The landscape is unfamiliar to me. CK 2641951 The less you know, the better, OK? CK 46767 The letter is dated April 1, 1987. CK 1256783 The letter is inside the envelope. CK 707131 The little kids were very curious. papabear 48821 The machine operates all day long. CM 47741 The magazine comes out every week. CK 282482 The mailman left a letter for her. CK 2763406 The main line runs through Boston. sharptoothed 45255 The man is checking in at a hotel. CM 45384 The man lost his way in the woods. CK 276867 The man robbed her of her handbag. CM 45296 The man was given a life sentence. CK 43643 The matter is of great importance. CM 266333 The mechanic assembled the engine. CK 22437 The meeting is held twice a month. CK 22479 The meeting will be held tomorrow. CK 288153 The moment he saw us, he ran away. CK