English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "The" in Example Sentences
Page 581

2540685	I thought that was the whole idea.	CK
1961424	I thought the play went very well.	CK
1938908	I thought you had all the answers.	CK
256557	I told the news to everyone I met.	CK
3201885	I told Tom to check the oil level.	CK
3201884	I told Tom to label all the boxes.	CK
2540662	I told you to leave it in the car.	CK
471384	I took part in the sporting event.	FeuDRenais
265004	I took the liberty of calling her.	Tximist
261617	I took the right fork of the road.	CM
3316853	I used to go skiing in the winter.	CK
259550	I walked the length of the street.	CK
261517	I want my father to see the movie.	CK
2254045	I want to get away from the noise.	_undertoad
1387784	I want to hear you play the piano.	CK
2383984	I want to invite you to the party.	joethesupercow
2016650	I want to name the baby after you.	CK
271162	I want to travel around the world.	CK
2016666	I want you to look out the window.	CK
2173909	I wanted to punch him in the face.	Hybrid
254449	I was able to answer the question.	CK
252479	I was able to win the first prize.	CK
2540650	I was about to say the same thing.	CK
254610	I was advised to visit the museum.	CM
267114	I was affected by the summer heat.	CK
3325884	I was asked to rewrite the report.	CK
252496	I was chained to the desk all day.	CM
254313	I was disappointed at the results.	CM
44364	I was just in time for the flight.	CK
2540639	I was taken up to the third floor.	CK
3201878	I was the one who had to tell Tom.	CK
2540637	I was told to be here on the 13th.	CK
254379	I was unable to complete the task.	CK
45182	I was very happy to hear the news.	CK
254159	I was walking to the station then.	CK
262102	I watch television in the evening.	CK
260936	I went to the airport to meet him.	CK
406041	I will give her the book tomorrow.	Dorenda
406040	I will give him the book tomorrow.	Dorenda
323405	I will pay you the money tomorrow.	CK
392352	I will tell the woman what I know.	YeshuaC
71673	I will tell you the rest tomorrow.	CK
2540613	I wonder where Tom parked the car.	CK
278481	I'd like a room facing the garden.	CK
62188	I'd like my coffee after the meal.	CK
73193	I'd like seats on the first floor.	CK
263963	I'd like to make sure of the time.	CM
246299	I'd like to pay the check, please.	CK
63578	I'd like to work at the cafeteria.	CK
26008	I'll accompany you to the station.	CM