287692 His objective is to pass the test. CM 286528 His office is on the eighth floor. CK 320250 His shadow on the wall looked sad. CM 287069 His sleeve touched the greasy pan. CK 286976 His voice was heard above the din. CM 2719983 His wife locked him out the house. WestofEden 587667 Hold down the fort while I'm gone. darinmex 40058 How about dropping in at the shop? CK 38344 How can you break the news to her? CM 2951884 How did you get into the building? CK 1655633 How do I get to the train station? gleki 3071776 How far's the top of the mountain? sharptoothed 1610760 How late does the train run today? Feba 1230443 How long will the train stop here? falcons84 680963 How much is the fine for speeding? Source_VOA 3094872 How was your date the other night? CK 1184075 Hurry up or you'll miss the train. driada 19672 Hurry up, or we'll miss the train. Swift 19668 Hurry up! The concert is starting. Swift 1117803 I am allowed to swim in the river. sacredceltic 1700596 I am complaining to the principal. Amastan 260078 I am sure of his passing the exam. CM 255223 I answered neither of the letters. CK 256016 I asked the doctor some questions. CK 1555396 I believe I have found the answer. Spamster 3114179 I believe this is the best choice. CK 254652 I bought the book for ten dollars. CK 387983 I broke the lock opening the door. Mouseneb 254358 I can see the top of the mountain. CK 254712 I can solve the problem by myself. CK 2239602 I can't find the right man for me. Hybrid 1062560 I can't give you the answer today. Guybrush88 2121200 I caught him cheating on the exam. AlanF_US 2121198 I caught him cheating on the test. AlanF_US 268759 I cleared the table of the dishes. CK 254103 I confessed to stealing the money. CK 254737 I could recite the story by heart. CK 19831 I did nothing during the holidays. CK 65106 I did nothing out of the ordinary. CK 2185149 I dipped my finger into the honey. Hybrid 43741 I disagree with you on the matter. CK 242074 I don't have the letter on me now. CK 48126 I don't know how deep the lake is. CK 875560 I don't see the humor in anything. alexmarcelo 284682 I doubt his ability to do the job. CK 324104 I feel like dancing in the fields. CK 278094 I felt hungry after the long walk. CK 256476 I felt the house shaking terribly. CM 2663195 I figured out what the problem is. CK 2931936 I forgot to pay the electric bill. CK