44201 The room is too small to play in. CK 44243 The room was devoid of furniture. CM 48788 The rule holds good in this case. darinmex 50646 The rumor is true to some extent. CK 50630 The rumor may or may not be true. CM 50639 The rumor turned out to be false. Nero 1747259 The rumor was not based on facts. belgavox 49592 The rumor was without foundation. Eldad 1742346 The sales of this model took off. belgavox 692595 The second lesson is very simple. Eldad 273392 The ship appeared on the horizon. CK 273391 The ship gradually came in sight. CK 3060806 The ship struck a submerged rock. sharptoothed 1963172 The ship wasn't ready for battle. CK 48614 The shoes match this white skirt. CM 238485 The shooting started around noon. CK 44307 The sick man's life is in danger. CK 44328 The sign indicates the way to go. CK 49239 The singer has a beautiful voice. CK 3022382 The sink is full of dirty dishes. sharptoothed 47562 The sisters look like each other. CK 26505 The situation is growing serious. CK 433009 The situation left him perplexed. aliene 807166 The situation there was critical. Source_VOA 18288 The sky became darker and darker. CK 3045677 The sky is full of stars tonight. sharptoothed 37899 The sky suddenly began to darken. CK 46544 The small island came into sight. CK 268660 The smell of food made me hungry. CK 2268531 The smoke vanished with the wind. _undertoad 807167 The snow was several meters deep. Source_VOA 19238 The sound of shouting grew faint. NekoKanjya 371402 The speech lasted thirty minutes. saeb 48705 The stadium is accessible by bus. CK 271522 The stars are shining in the sky. CK 45004 The statement is not wholly true. CK 26049 The station is not far from here. CK 44985 The street is paved with asphalt. CK 278363 The street was crowded with cars. CK 324010 The streets emptied in the night. Zifre 321278 The streets in Hokkaido are wide. CK 2969025 The streets were empty and quiet. Hybrid 48902 The student insulted the teacher. CK 48901 The student majors in philosophy. CK 271799 The students made her life happy. Shiawase 462936 The students ought to study more. lukaszpp 275138 The sun always rises in the east. CK 275053 The sun broke through the clouds. CK 3022374 The sun will set tonight at 6:03. sharptoothed 462938 The sunglasses cost twenty euros. lukaszpp