276930 The men are having a barbecue. CK 48860 The mistake cost him his head. CK 48632 The money is at your disposal. CK 402354 The monkey fell from the tree. CK 238821 The moon is behind the clouds. CK 1499885 The moon is lighting the room. RoyTek 238828 The moon was shining brightly. CK 518961 The museum is open from 9 a.m. blay_paul 25456 The music gradually died away. NekoKanjya 681551 The navy defends our seacoast. Source_VOA 2268411 The negotiations fell through. _undertoad 50118 The news spread like wildfire. CM 50096 The news took him by surprise. CM 1588730 The next morning, he was gone. Spamster 274320 The noise disturbed his sleep. CK 49440 The noise frightened the baby. CK 58026 The noise is driving me crazy. CK 49434 The noise set the dog barking. CM 46523 The novel is worthy of praise. CK 3319243 The nurse checked Tom's pulse. CK 3151293 The nurse gave Tom a flu shot. CK 3151292 The nurse gave you a sedative. CK 20970 The nurse is dressed in white. CK 48156 The old clock is still in use. CK 43367 The old man asked me the time. CK 326451 The old man breathed his last. CM 1657839 The old man has missing teeth. Spamster 43383 The old man is hard to please. CK 43390 The old man made out his will. CK 43381 The old man stood on the hill. CK 497245 The old woman got off the bus. CK 3168158 The only one in danger is you. CK 50602 The oranges cost 7 pence each. CK 1487446 The painting is deteriorating. marshmallowcat 3309757 The paramedics are on the way. CK 48025 The park is busy every season. CK 2542286 The party started an hour ago. CK 530569 The party was a great success. wma 318485 The patient breathed his last. CM 1812127 The patient is in a deep coma. Bah_Dure 2268435 The patient's in the hospital. _undertoad 2649786 The pigeon flew in the window. sharptoothed 2051761 The pigeon has flown the coop. chubbard 1744258 The plan is not yet finalized. belgavox 48495 The plan is well worth trying. CK 48525 The plan is worth considering. CK 318092 The plane will get in on time. CK 282778 The plank froze to the ground. CK 2458723 The plants need to be watered. Hybrid 1438665 The poet gave the girl a rose. Nero