807069 The decision was made for him. Source_VOA 804307 The delegates voted six times. Source_VOA 20533 The desk is covered with dust. Eldad 1355445 The desk that Ken uses is old. CK 1532554 The dictionary is on the desk. LittleBoy 2550004 The dining room has two doors. sharptoothed 1531893 The dish is too sweet for Tom. Spamster 27960 The doctor examined my throat. CK 27926 The doctor set his broken leg. CK 28095 The doctor treated her injury. blay_paul 239129 The dog barked at the mailman. CK 239114 The dog came running up to me. CK 1876236 The dog jumped over the fence. zalaim 239213 The dog looked into the water. CK 239160 The dog ran around and around. CK 48240 The dog saved the girl's life. CK 3149606 The dog's sleeping in the car. Gulliver 2731632 The dogs help herd the cattle. sharptoothed 39121 The door opened automatically. CK 35131 The dove is a symbol of peace. CK 50154 The dress suits you very well. CM 277137 The earth goes around the sun. CK 1544435 The economy progressed slowly. Bah_Dure 50618 The engine is driven by steam. CK 47216 The event affected his future. CM 263479 The examinations are all over. CK 326038 The exception proves the rule. Eldad 265107 The fact is that I can't swim. CK 46059 The fact was brought to light. CM 681657 The files are in proper order. Source_VOA 2961393 The fire engine is on its way. meerkat 23902 The fire is burning furiously. CK 23868 The fire was burning brightly. CK 2474244 The fire's blazing nicely now. sharptoothed 267029 The first step is the hardest. CK 3168563 The floor is wet and slippery. CK 459393 The flowers have all withered. minshirui 280019 The food isn't very good here. CK 432736 The food looks very delicious. aliene 43466 The food seems very delicious. mamat 2195186 The food was better in prison. Hybrid 1690725 The French like to eat snails. Spamster 680359 The fuel level is below empty. Source_VOA 2268150 The future looked very gloomy. _undertoad 662758 The game was very interesting. bluepie88 2259321 The garden has a wooden fence. _undertoad 63753 The gas tank suddenly blew up. CK 46467 The girl did not say anything. CK 1102715 The girl has a beautiful doll. emilykamalei 46433 The girl is small for her age. CK