239218 The dog sat down by the man. CK 239166 The dog snapped up the meat. CK 2327070 The dog sniffed her luggage. Hybrid 48261 The dog wants to go outside. CK 48228 The dog was frozen to death. CK 36858 The dress comes to my knees. CK 2780748 The drinks are on the house. sharptoothed 806991 The election was very close. Source_VOA 279228 The electric light went out. CK 3053555 The end justifies the means. altusi 26656 The end justifies the means. MUIRIEL 806992 The end was only hours away. Source_VOA 278672 The enemy attacked the town. CM 278671 The enemy occupied the fort. CK 2761676 The event happened long ago. sharptoothed 268224 The evidence was against me. CK 1510226 The experiment has to begin. corvard 2268120 The family lived in poverty. _undertoad 2255673 The fender was badly dented. _undertoad 244191 The festival came to an end. CK 48712 The fish tasted like salmon. CK 2259317 The floods ruined the crops. _undertoad 1543285 The flu is going around now. Bah_Dure 3281672 The food didn't go to waste. CK 416555 The food was great in Italy. Scott 1765760 The freezer's in the garage. charlotte13 43604 The gate is closed at eight. CK 280727 The ghost vanished suddenly. CK 267863 The girl cried out for help. CK 680388 The girl is blowing bubbles. Source_VOA 267873 The girl let the bird loose. CK 46494 The girls danced in the gym. CK 2660328 The girls greeted us warmly. WestofEden 1702455 The goods arrived undamaged. Spamster 34632 The hail cracked the window. CK 1284215 The hero became the villain. CK 49386 The house is quite run down. CK 1637645 The house is well insulated. Spamster 49372 The house stood on the hill. CM 2796878 The house was painted white. sharptoothed 34954 The hunter shot at the bird. CK 270906 The ice in the water melted. CK 318324 The ice is two inches thick. CK 47963 The idea is very attractive. CM 836215 The information is relevant. Guybrush88 281775 The Japanese have dark eyes. CK 461170 The job is practically done. jeanne 3057779 The kids are finally asleep. Hybrid 2684348 The killer was never caught. Hybrid 2100019 The lake water is very cold. erikspen