2544622 The park was almost empty. CK 35636 The party was almost over. CK 48881 The patient was in danger. CM 2658395 The pay is based on sales. WestofEden 279247 The phone is out of order. CK 1898203 The phone stopped ringing. CK 279311 The phones aren't working. CK 49986 The piano has a good tone. CK 48993 The picture was wonderful. CK 282732 The pigeon has flown away. kebukebu 318074 The plane arrived on time. CK 318084 The plane increased speed. CK 318063 The plane is due at 7 p.m. CK 750662 The play is in three acts. sctld 46887 The play was a lot of fun. CM 2255691 The plot develops rapidly. _undertoad 1546447 The police chief resigned. Spamster 681760 The population is growing. Source_VOA 281001 The price of meat dropped. CK 319904 The prices will come down. CK 46721 The prisoner is in chains. CK 46719 The prisoner was released. CK 43644 The problem perplexed him. CM 44397 The program is on the air. CK 43520 The prophecy came to pass. CM 49671 The proposal went through. CK 874875 The question was answered. alexmarcelo 29798 The radio is out of order. CK 26713 The rain lasted five days. CK 26697 The rain lasted four days. CK 2618207 The rain turned into snow. CK 44039 The report cannot be true. CM 1474092 The research is completed? Guybrush88 238615 The results were negative. CM 44684 The road turns left there. CK 1488067 The road was paved in tar. arnxy20 2498754 The sandwiches were awful. Hybrid 1728957 The school is on the hill. Guybrush88 267421 The shop did not want him. CM 2989628 The situation is critical. learnaspossible 1774048 The situation is critical. Spamster 462924 The sky is overcast today. lukaszpp 27845 The sky looks threatening. NekoKanjya 18316 The sky was full of stars. CK 1820244 The slave tried to escape. Spamster 272590 The snow lasted four days. CK 44094 The soldier acted bravely. Nero 680321 The soldier is going away. Source_VOA 26045 The station is dead ahead. CK 25995 The station is pretty far. CK