1112760 The girl is really hungry. alexmarcelo 799365 The girl seems to be rich. Eldad 267831 The girls danced to music. CK 61455 The glass broke to pieces. CK 61442 The glass is full of milk. CK 50536 The glass is full of wine. CK 2711703 The ground was very rocky. sharptoothed 2662404 The gun suddenly went off. sharptoothed 34633 The hail harmed the crops. CK 30329 The haze enveloped London. CM 2763446 The heat's driving me mad. sharptoothed 49846 The hen hatched five eggs. CK 33391 The hotel was burned down. Eldad 49332 The house has been bought. CK 799988 The hunter caught the fox. Shishir 34955 The hunter shot at a deer. CK 3227188 The idea is stupid anyway. CK 2711962 The idea is stupid anyway. CK 49495 The image is not in focus. CM 26432 The image is out of focus. CK 806925 The issue split the party. Source_VOA 462754 The jewelry store is open. lukaszpp 533766 The keys are on the table. tomkun01 1432418 The kitten wants to sleep. CK 29486 The lemon is a sour fruit. CK 2042264 The less said, the better. FlamingTofu 529337 The light bulb burned out. darinmex 2268379 The lumber is still green. _undertoad 277594 The lunch is on the table. CK 20483 The machines are idle now. NekoKanjya 462784 The man brushes his teeth. lukaszpp 45353 The man finally confessed. CK 267390 The match ended in a draw. CK 43710 The matter is all settled. CK 1926410 The meat has begun to rot. dexique 1923453 The meat is really tender. Spamster 2333078 The milk is in the fridge. marcelostockle 462824 The money is on the table. lukaszpp 2268395 The monkey is in the cage. _undertoad 49525 The movie was interesting. CK 2042035 The movie wasn't half bad. FlamingTofu 244947 The murderer was executed. CK 50104 The news may well be true. Dejo 2259353 The news moved him deeply. _undertoad 2724490 The night was pitch black. Hybrid 271621 The noon siren is blowing. CM 285420 The odds are in his favor. CK 462838 The old woman is a doctor. lukaszpp 2784320 The orchestra's tuning up. sharptoothed 477213 The papers got blown away. FeuDRenais