3071532 The sky is cloudy today. sharptoothed 2047570 The sky will clear soon. halfb1t 2047569 The sky will soon clear. halfb1t 681612 The smell was offensive. Source_VOA 806873 The Spanish fired first. Source_VOA 2057052 The spoken word matters. halfb1t 1966512 The streets are flooded. Spamster 49979 The string is very weak. human600 1019878 The sum of 5 and 3 is 8. Guybrush88 462940 The supermarket is open. lukaszpp 462950 The tea costs two euros. lukaszpp 1979784 The teapot is whistling. Guybrush88 890874 The telephone is broken. Zifre 45037 The town fell into ruin. CM 462970 The toy store is closed. lukaszpp 2268596 The traffic's congested. _undertoad 1866531 The trail has gone cold. Spamster 2259461 The train began to move. _undertoad 2545845 The trash can was empty. CK 805468 The treaty was approved. Source_VOA 805469 The treaty was defeated. Source_VOA 2268606 The trees were in a row. _undertoad 1488137 The trip was exhausting. arnxy20 1488136 The trip was really fun. arnxy20 237801 The troops marched past. CK 2985465 The tub is running over. sharptoothed 682267 The universe is endless. Source_VOA 1640122 The waiter was insolent. Spamster 2571305 The walls are very thin. Hybrid 804179 The war in Europe ended. Source_VOA 2321296 The water is waist-deep. Hybrid 2594354 The water's really nice. Hybrid 841847 The weather is cold now. eastasiastudent 2268650 The weather is very bad. _undertoad 1785461 The weather is very hot. Eldad 2545843 The weather was perfect. CK 265644 The wheel began to turn. CM 2480901 The work is almost done. AlanF_US 1972150 The world changes a lot. Guybrush88 2518286 The yogurt is delicious. Gulo_Luscus 1898150 These are the originals. CK 1615175 They abandoned the ship. Spamster 1564792 They accepted the offer. Eldad 2518535 They entered the jungle. Hybrid 1360726 They freed the prisoner. SeeVogel 307684 They got into the train. CK 1435843 They got onto the plane. caspian 2545842 They know the situation. CK 1647267 They might take the car. matsuteo 307203 They overcame the enemy. CM