42641 It is sold by the pound. CK 1632236 It may be the last time. Spamster 2985607 It's all the same to me. sharptoothed 2439824 It's not the first time. Hybrid 819893 It's not the same thing. Guybrush88 456235 It's on the next corner. lukaszpp 2030125 It's the correct answer. Spamster 1440305 It's the perfect number. Guybrush88 52582 John hit me on the head. CK 52676 John kept the door open. CK 2144609 John was born in the US. oneconor 3155485 Just put it on the desk. CK 1638298 Just tell him the truth. Spamster 3174837 Keep an eye on the door. CK 62474 Ken dashed up the slope. CM 965557 Ken leapt over the wall. FeuDRenais 321983 Let me join in the game. CK 3308244 Let me see the pictures. CK 954130 Let me show you the way. CK 244081 Let's hope for the best. CM 3045735 Let's split the profits. sharptoothed 3309756 Let's stick to the plan. CK 29276 London is on the Thames. CK 278259 Look at the setting sun. CK 806857 Many of the people died. Source_VOA 1484770 Mary had the last laugh. Spamster 63824 May I draw the curtains? CM 1328248 May I turn on the radio? Eldad 895100 May I use the telephone? pauldhunt 387657 Maybe he liked the idea. Dorenda 32398 Mayuko denied the rumor. CK 32368 Mayuko entered the room. CK 31809 Meg colored the picture. CK 1102946 My house is up the road. jamessilver 35788 Ned held the flag erect. CM 1989640 No one is above the law. CK 805305 No one knows the answer. Source_VOA 2545865 No one knows the future. CK 2876118 Nobody got on the plane. CK 820997 Nobody saw the bird fly. PaulLambeth 2267619 Now it's the real thing. _undertoad 1237936 Now's the time to apply. Guybrush88 703071 Our son died in the war. papabear 2545863 Pardon the interruption. CK 1102973 Pass the beer over here. jamessilver 1152229 Peel two of the bananas. belgavox 2744943 Play the jack of hearts. sharptoothed 2526433 Please close the window. dipdowel 679852 Please let the man talk. ulyssemc1 2761694 Please lower the window. sharptoothed