1031265 The train came on time. NekoKanjya 43439 The train gained speed. CM 1196238 The train is very fast. waeltken 806841 The trip west was hard. Source_VOA 50223 The TV is on the blink. CK 2268636 The watch spring broke. _undertoad 2268652 The wheel doesn't turn. _undertoad 3106245 The wind began to blow. Theocracy 242972 The wind is cold today. CK 2928721 The wine was excellent. Guybrush88 2254593 The woman glared at us. _undertoad 752469 The woman is beautiful. Shishir 3129319 The worst has happened. CK 2694151 They all look the same. Hybrid 2324076 They basked in the sun. Hybrid 1221899 They changed the world. Guybrush88 1690848 They hid in the cellar. Spamster 306848 They made for the exit. CM 305346 They stopped the music. CK 1908375 They're in the hot tub. Spamster 2473486 This is the hard truth. Hybrid 54370 This is the last order. CM 31416 This is the last straw! CM 1488698 This is the last straw. Spamster 2959059 This is the real thing. sharptoothed 1806177 This is the real world. Spamster 680973 Tom can fix the heater. Source_VOA 2645933 Tom clenched the wheel. CK 2821968 Tom escaped the danger. Dejo 1496801 Tom forgot the ketchup. Spamster 680277 Tom is at the computer. Source_VOA 680360 Tom is the best runner. Source_VOA 3156514 Tom put down the phone. freddy1 2546359 Tom sleeps in the nude. CK 37736 Tony stood at the door. CK 2264440 Walk across the bridge. sharptoothed 23095 We danced to the music. CK 377101 We don't like the rain. CK 1532052 We heard the door shut. LittleBoy 1737142 We missed the deadline. Spamster 248628 We named the dog Pochi. CK 248094 We named the dog White. CK 321046 We should obey the law. CK 248388 We turned on the radio. CK 918927 We will win the battle. Shiawase 631183 We'll show you the way. ulyssemc1 248444 We're in the same boat. CM 1750130 What do the papers say? djtait 1797708 What does the cat want? Spamster 332138 What is the date today? Aerhus