English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "The" in Example Sentences
Page 305

3135308	Seize the moment.	Serhiy
403086	That's the hotel.	Ramses
1836232	The answer is 42.	Spamster
1617182	The answer is no.	Spamster
1660412	The apple is red.	qwoat
680315	The baby's awake.	Source_VOA
2977294	The ballon burst.	espatonay
2030140	The bird is dead.	Spamster
1369202	The book is here.	sacredceltic
672885	The book is mine.	Shishir
954997	The book's white.	FeuDRenais
491975	The box is empty.	swagner
2002513	The box is heavy.	bichodebola
1488843	The boy has guts.	arnxy20
1233916	The bus was full.	tsayng
1185156	The cat is brown.	CK
663719	The cat ran away.	qdii
462680	The dogs are wet.	lukaszpp
1493516	The door creaked.	Spamster
2551887	The door is open.	ilovegreece
370647	The door is open.	saeb
2002528	The food is good.	bichodebola
2308512	The food's ready.	FeuDRenais
954346	The game is over.	CK
489513	The hat is yours.	adjusting
1490461	The jar is empty.	fengli
282535	The jury is hung.	CM
956237	The man is naked.	boracasli
1117500	The man is right.	megamanenm
1737629	The mass is over.	belgavox
1522636	The meat spoiled.	erikspen
1654660	The mic is yours.	alexmarcelo
1943758	The milkman died.	Guybrush88
238792	The moon has set.	CM
1183801	The night is hot.	Scott
1848862	The party's over.	Spamster
1587442	The pot was mine.	Guybrush88
1389243	The race is over.	Guybrush88
1352431	The rain stopped.	AMIKEMA
2002544	The room is dark.	bichodebola
508333	The salt ran out.	FeuDRenais
841233	The sea is rough.	CM
680634	The sky was dark.	Source_VOA
2347320	The sky was grey.	Hybrid
67429	The storm abated.	CM
2259435	The storm let up.	_undertoad
2002519	The towel is dry.	bichodebola
2002518	The towel is wet.	bichodebola
2977201	The water is hot.	learnaspossible
1112743	The water is hot.	alexmarcelo