2360850 I hired Tom because I thought he was the best person for the job. CK 1 305111 I hope that neither of them was involved in the traffic accident. CM 1 2388116 I never got the chance to tell you how much I enjoyed your party. CK 1 953603 I shouldn't have put my laptop so close to the edge of the table. CK 1 255928 I started last in the race, but I soon caught up with the others. CM 1 272760 I still owe my brother the ten dollars that he lent me last week. CK 1 31680 In another two weeks you will be able to get out of the hospital. CK 1 20419 In the car on the way home, he was making plans for the next day. CK 1 1040698 It was still early in the day when Tom arrived at the campground. CK 1 251001 My office is on the fourth floor of that gray six-story building. CK 1 272259 Oil has played an important part in the progress of civilization. CK 1 954226 Our favorite place to eat is that small restaurant on the corner. CK 1 2042824 Sometimes our prayers aren't answered the way we want them to be. CK 1 2834028 The advice you find the hardest to take is often the most useful. CK 1 909574 The amount of time you spend practicing the trumpet is up to you. CK 1 1096092 The doctor told Tom not to eat or drink anything for three hours. CK 1 2042825 The first thing you'll usually want to do is check the oil level. CK 1 271452 The government appointed a committee to investigate the accident. CK 1 1830517 The last time I ate at that restaurant the food wasn't very good. CK 1 1096087 The most dangerous thing Tom ever tried to do was bungee jumping. CK 1 1027308 The police think that Tom was stabbed before his throat was slit. CK 1 2451075 The teacher would only allow us to speak French in the classroom. CK 1 1027303 The workers at Tom's company are demanding shorter working hours. CK 1 1027288 There was something odd about the way Tom looked at me yesterday. CK 1 307691 They failed to take into account the special needs of old people. CK 1 326152 They had to change their schedule because the train arrived late. CK 1 1096049 This looks like it might be the weapon that was used to kill Tom. CK 1 2016528 Tom accidentally shot himself in the foot while cleaning his gun. CK 1 2414053 Tom and Mary sat across from each other at a table in the corner. CK 1 2042826 Tom asked Mary the one question she really didn't want to answer. CK 1 1026944 Tom built the house himself along with the help of a few friends. CK 1 1029507 Tom can't find the right words to describe his feelings for Mary. CK 1 1095166 Tom couldn't attend the meeting because of a previous engagement. CK 1 1029392 Tom couldn't think of any reason for not giving Mary the present. CK 1 1884525 Tom crosses the railroad tracks every morning on his way to work. CK 1 1094971 Tom decided that it wasn't necessary to go into the office today. CK 1 1026366 Tom didn't know for certain how much the new computer would cost. CK 1 1040635 Tom got two beers out of the refrigerator and handed one to Mary. CK 1 1553365 Tom is a little older than the rest of the students in his class. CK 1 1051761 Tom isn't the only one who has to study. I have to study as well. CK 1 2335910 Tom let the ashes from his cigarette fall on my expensive carpet. CK 1 1024284 Tom really loves playing the guitar, but he doesn't like singing. CK 1 1543607 Tom resented the fact that Mary got the promotion instead of him. CK 1 1923410 Tom saw two men lying on the floor, bleeding from gunshot wounds. CK 1 1877539 Tom says he needs to ask Mary who's coming with us on the picnic. CK 1 1889713 Tom showed up at the party by himself, just like I knew he would. CK 1 1024152 Tom slipped quietly into his clothes and tiptoed out of the room. CK 1 2050708 Tom stopped playing the piano as soon as we walked into the room. CK 1 1092748 Tom thought that Mary was probably not going to attend the event. CK 1 1526403 Tom tried his best to move the table by himself, but he couldn't. CK 1