English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "The" in Example Sentences
Page 1159

453646	My friends dropped by to see me the day before yesterday.	FeuDRenais
273853	My grandfather is planning to retire the year after next.	CK
21610	My school is getting ready for the campus music festival.	Zifre
595760	My son loves to throw temper tantrums in the supermarket.	darinmex
251164	My uncle was the only person injured in the car accident.	CK
847271	Never choose a vocation just because the hours are short.	Source_Benedict_1921
24727	No matter what you do, you must follow the correct order.	NekoKanjya
388012	No other mountain in the world is as tall as Mt. Everest.	Mouseneb
271107	No other mountain in the world is so high as Mt. Everest.	CK
283295	No sooner had he struck the match than the bomb exploded.	CM
246753	No sooner had I entered the hall than the ceremony began.	CM
28186	No sooner had I sat down and relaxed than the phone rang.	Zifre
317933	Non-smokers are rallying behind the new anti-smoking law.	CM
38188	Not knowing where to get off the bus, I asked the driver.	CM
238553	Nothing is more disappointing than to lose in the finals.	CM
3150648	On my birthday, everyone in the bar was buying me drinks.	CK
51398	One of the pickpockets blew the whistle on the other two.	CM
2953248	One of the toughest things in the world to do is forgive.	CK
1165807	People from all around the world attended to his funeral.	CK
270460	People will gradually lose sight of the original purpose.	CM
54382	Please accept my condolences on the death of your father.	CM
18729	Please drop in when you happen to be in the neighborhood.	CK
54636	Please excuse me for calling you so early in the morning.	Eldad
29496	Please hand in your papers by the last day of this month.	jakov
43871	Please return the book when you have finished reading it.	CK
64814	Preparations are already under way for the Olympic Games.	CM
63602	Quite a few people were present at the meeting yesterday.	kebukebu
388848	Right after the teacher finished the class the bell rang.	CK
1304061	Roads in the country aren't as busy as those in the city.	CK
53951	Sally was very sad about not going home for the holidays.	CK
45436	She became scared when she noticed the man following her.	CK
388277	She felt sympathy for the orphan and gave him some money.	CK
1355912	She is well known both in Japan and in the United States.	AMIKEMA
313873	She originated a new way of playing jazz on the shamisen.	CK
316070	She put on dark glasses to protect her eyes from the sun.	CK
315624	She ran as fast as she could to catch up with the others.	CK
309985	She showed the passengers how to fasten their seat belts.	CK
1210414	She talks to her sister on the phone for hours at a time.	etoile
315915	She took advantage of the fine weather to paint the wall.	CM
247113	She was very angry with me when I forgot the appointment.	CK
312619	She went to school in spite of the pain in her right leg.	CK
312447	She would often go to the theater when she was in London.	CK
1174297	Since my nephew was still young, he was let off the hook.	CK
243499	Some insects can take on the color of their surroundings.	CM
24527	Some of the boys are fishing and the others are swimming.	CK
245721	Some of the children were too weak to stay on their feet.	CK
2717779	Some people consider Led Zeppelin the greatest band ever.	WestofEden
39165	Some people read the newspaper while watching television.	CK
271035	Some students were sitting on the bench and having lunch.	CK
47165	Some were injured and others were killed in the accident.	CM