1679512 This is the first time I've cut my finger with a knife. Amastan 2618256 This is the first time I've parked my car in the woods. CK 1679500 This is the first time I've written a letter in German. Amastan 60198 This is the hottest summer we have had in thirty years. CK 59248 This is the most beautiful country I have ever visited. CK 55723 This is the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen. CK 55370 This is the most exciting story that I have ever heard. CK 2890142 This must be signed in the presence of three witnesses. sharptoothed 2252951 This salve will act as a protective film over the burn. _undertoad 805463 Thomas Jefferson left the White House in March of 1809. Source_VOA 317946 Thousands of people were deceived by the advertisement. CM 45527 Three-fourths of the town was destroyed by the typhoon. CK 251465 To the best of my knowledge, he is honest and reliable. CM 2739013 Tom and Mary invited us to spend the weekend with them. sharptoothed 2639809 Tom and Mary looked through all the items on the table. CK 2639808 Tom and Mary reached for the doorknob at the same time. CK 2639807 Tom and Mary sat on the doorstep talking to each other. CK 2973334 Tom arrived at Mary's house in the middle of the night. meerkat 2537295 Tom asked me who I thought would be the next president. CK 3068933 Tom crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trashcan. CK 1029204 Tom doesn't doubt but that Mary will come to the party. CK 2956686 Tom drank out of his coffee mug and read the newspaper. CK 3072820 Tom entered the dark room and flipped the light switch. CK 2497814 Tom forgot his key so he crawled in through the window. sharptoothed 3168113 Tom gave Mary one of the books that John had given him. CK 3060850 Tom got the job on the strength of your recommendation. sharptoothed 2956810 Tom grabbed Mary by the throat and started choking her. CK 3075189 Tom grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the fire. CK 3154743 Tom hadn't eaten anything the whole day and was hungry. CK 37092 Tom is accustomed to calling up girls on the telephone. CK 3020241 Tom is suspected of being involved in the bank robbery. patgfisher 3166121 Tom is the only one who doesn't really want to be here. CK 2957318 Tom is the only one who knows when we need to be there. CK 2957323 Tom is the only one who seems to know where Mary lives. CK 2537294 Tom lied to the police about where he was at that time. CK 3205099 Tom liked the idea until I told him it was Mary's idea. CK 2821022 Tom looked into the room and saw that nobody was there. CK 2957484 Tom may do whatever he likes with the money I gave him. CK 2957558 Tom noticed something out of the ordinary in the alley. CK 2639801 Tom peeked in the window and saw Mary and John kissing. CK 3166104 Tom picked up one end of the couch and looked under it. CK 2957660 Tom picked up the ball and then threw it up in the air. CK 3078347 Tom picked up the broken pieces of glass off the floor. CK 2639800 Tom picked up the TV remote and turned down the volume. CK 3023403 Tom pulled back the curtains and looked out the window. CK 2957761 Tom pushed his dog into the closet and closed the door. CK 2537293 Tom put his stepladder in the back of his pickup truck. CK 3124779 Tom put the gun to his own head and pulled the trigger. CK 2957899 Tom realized that he wasn't as smart as the other kids. CK 2957900 Tom realized that he wasn't the same as the other kids. CK