28319 The knife we used to cut the bread with was sharp. CK 275767 The large audience clapped at the end of the song. CK 58053 The last time I went to China, I visited Shanghai. CK 681338 The legal system in America is the world's finest. Source_VOA 240385 The light travels at about 186,000 miles a second. CK 50165 The load of the truck was in excess of three tons. CM 2761488 The loss of her husband was a great blow for Mary. sharptoothed 1157726 The man plucked up courage and pulled the trigger. Shishir 238181 The man the police arrested has now been released. CK 20990 The manager sat on the bench with his arms folded. Zifre 807695 The Marines quickly defeated the communist forces. Source_VOA 43662 The matter will be brought up at the next meeting. CK 47348 The mayor appropriated city money for his own use. CK 47263 The mere thought of it is enough to make me happy. CM 238879 The monthly staff meeting is never held on Monday. CM 516079 The more chocolate you eat, the fatter you'll get. darinmex 892333 The more things change, the more they're the same. Scott 673303 The mosque was torched in the middle of the night. darinmex 47716 The mountain is about 3000 meters above sea level. CK 1695562 The movie is showing in movie theaters next month. marcelostockle 262503 The music we listened to last night was wonderful. Swift 241359 The national health service was far from adequate. CM 682092 The new concert hall is a tall, modern, structure. Source_VOA 242352 The new secretary types about 70 words per minute. CK 666046 The new tunnel will link Great Britain and France. bluepie88 246151 The news of the mayor's resignation traveled fast. CM 308546 The news that she got divorced was a big surprise. CM 269393 The newspaper said that a typhoon was approaching. CK 240436 The notice in the park said, "Keep off the grass." CM 46522 The novel has been translated into many languages. Eldad 21401 The number of students is decreasing year by year. NekoKanjya 20971 The nurse took his temperature with a thermometer. CK 20529 The odds are against me, so I think I'll quit now. CK 2163162 The official dinner took place at the White House. Source_VOA 43411 The old man is always accompanied by his grandson. CM 43408 The old man sat in the chair with his eyes closed. CK 326453 The old man sat on the bench with his eyes closed. CK 837827 The older a town is, the more garbage it produces. szaby78 315318 The older she grew, the more beautiful she become. CM 1069575 The only thing that matters is that you are alive. CK 45444 The organization furnished the refugees with food. CM 324057 The outdoor concert was canceled due to the storm. CK 3129174 The oven's hot so be careful not to burn yourself. WestofEden 268400 The passengers came on board all at the same time. CM 48877 The patient is getting worse and worse day by day. CK 3319240 The patient's pulse and blood pressure are normal. CK 44536 The pension is not sufficient for living expenses. CM 2826546 The person reading a book over there is my father. CK 2121158 The pilot made an emergency landing in the desert. MethodGT 46208 The place just doesn't look as good as it used to. CK