English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "The" in Example Sentences
Page 1034

47617	The job earns him half a million yen every month.	CM
244222	The judge concluded that the prisoner was guilty.	Nero
3061196	The judge sentenced Tom to three years in prison.	CK
807663	The Kaiser asked Theodore Roosevelt to intervene.	Source_VOA
241364	The king and his family live in the royal palace.	CK
49461	The king reigned over his people for forty years.	CM
323924	The lady standing by the gate is a famous singer.	CK
239986	The lake was frozen, so we walked across the ice.	CM
29713	The lamp was suspended from the branch of a tree.	CK
2745835	The last I heard, Tom and Mary are still married.	CK
681899	The lawyer represented his client at the meeting.	Source_VOA
3316841	The leaves on the trees change color in the fall.	CK
43986	The little boy is used to talking with grown-ups.	CM
670477	The long black coat reached almost to his ankles.	DancingHorses
259302	The longer I waited, the more impatient I became.	CM
1184307	The loss adds up to more than one million dollar.	xtofu80
323490	The lost boy held out until the rescue team came.	CK
23853	The mail train lost most of its mail in the fire.	NekoKanjya
807664	The majority of voters liked what Roosevelt said.	Source_VOA
807665	The man had just returned from a visit to Europe.	Source_VOA
244570	The man I saw yesterday was a complete gentleman.	CM
1047538	The man who is driving the bus is my best friend.	Parmeet
2268385	The manager messed up all the company's business.	_undertoad
271004	The math homework was easier than I had expected.	CK
284338	The matter that he is talking about is important.	CM
1244371	The mayor didn't like what the journalists wrote.	Shishir
246171	The mayor presented him with the key to the city.	CK
681895	The mechanic said the repair would not take long.	Source_VOA
32810	The media blew the whole thing out of proportion.	CM
322033	The minister inspired us with a marvelous sermon.	CM
50593	The money should be distributed to those in need.	CK
275314	The more he waited, the more irritated he became.	CM
320090	The more I hear, the more interesting it becomes.	CM
320901	The mother elephant bathes her baby in the river.	CM
240295	The negotiation has entered upon a serious phase.	CM
269134	The new bridge will have been completed by March.	CK
269180	The new company rule was unfair to older workers.	CM
242353	The new secretary doesn't strike me as efficient.	CM
47136	The news of the accident was a great shock to me.	CK
2268419	The newspaper publishes the most important facts.	_undertoad
376961	The notice in the park said "Keep off the grass".	CM
320573	The number of women who becomes mothers is small.	CK
3135818	The odds against that happening are astronomical.	CK
300337	The older he grew, the more attractive he became.	CM
282184	The older we grow, the poorer our memory becomes.	CM
1895898	The one who uses this toothbrush isn't my mother.	CM
2662697	The only problem is we don't know where to start.	CK
40869	The only solution is for her to give up the plan.	CM
1069577	The only thing that matters is that you are safe.	CK
1439062	The outcome depends entirely on your own efforts.	quickfitter