2203422 I'm successful. CK 1 2203419 We're successful. CK 1 1886874 Is Tom successful? CK 1 2203421 Tom is successful. CK 1 2203420 You're successful. CK 1 2239860 Tom was successful. CK 1 2248312 I'm very successful. CK 1 1886823 Were you successful? CK 1 2243503 They were successful. CK 1 2237676 Tom seemed successful. CK 1 2243708 They're very successful. CK 1 2645239 Tom won't be successful. CK 1 2272140 They won't be successful. CK 1 2359249 I haven't been successful. CK 1 453383 The concert was successful. saasmath 1 1488744 Tom is a successful lawyer. Spamster 1 265199 The experiment was successful. CK 1 2015277 We all want Tom to be successful. CK 1 953313 He beat the odds and was successful. CK 1 1093583 Tom hasn't been all that successful. CK 1 1027034 Tom became a successful photographer. CK 1 1093588 Tom has what it takes to be successful. CK 1 2401216 Tom wants to be a successful architect. CK 1 953683 I used to dream about being a successful businessman. CK 1 1026881 Tom came up with various ideas on how to make his business more successful. CK 1 1094927 Tom decided to try trimming his beard with a knife, but he wasn't very successful. CK 1 2020918 He's a successful banker. Spamster 2756587 He is a successful lawyer. Max101 3184038 I think Tom is successful. CK 2644158 All of them are successful. CK 3312811 We think we'll be successful. CK 803006 He became a successful lawyer. Source_VOA 1687496 He's a successful businessman. Spamster 294319 He is successful in everything. CK 2956093 Tom became a successful lawyer. CK 290876 He was successful in the attempt. CM 1687499 She's a successful businesswoman. Spamster 311255 She was successful in the attempt. CK 2957029 Tom is a successful dermatologist. CK 2667368 Tom was more successful than Mary. meerkat 803096 He was successful in several areas. Source_VOA 48524 The plan has been successful so far. CK 802421 They had never been very successful. Source_VOA 3023700 Tom is a really successful musician. CK 287260 His attempt to escape was successful. CK 2957035 Tom is a very successful businessman. CK 241891 So far everything has been successful. CK 1926408 The new plan has been very successful. dexique 65120 On the whole, the event was successful. CK 70809 Thanks to your help, we were successful. CK