2236860 Tom is spirited. CK 1 299666 He was in good spirits. CK 1 316068 She is in low spirits today. CK 1 3045801 I hope you're in good spirits. sharptoothed 1 45027 That's the spirit. CM 258721 I was in good spirits. CM 1920437 He can talk to spirits. Spamster 3045765 I'm in low spirits today. sharptoothed 2545194 Tom has no school spirit. CK 268976 I'll be with you in spirit. CM 296609 He is in high spirits today. CK 3045611 Try to keep up your spirits. sharptoothed 249635 He and I are kindred spirits. CM 293574 He came home in high spirits. CK 310659 She came home in low spirits. CM 1422355 That's the spirit, Mr. Suzuki. CK 26740 The rain damped their spirits. NekoKanjya 33250 I found a kindred spirit in Bob. CM 318718 My husband is in high spirits today. CK 802382 They were weak and broken in spirit. Source_VOA 282433 The defeat didn't dampen his spirits. CM 2731586 Why is Tom in such high spirits today? sharptoothed 312482 She seems to be possessed by an evil spirit. CM 305528 They keep up their spirits by doing aerobics. Zifre 273560 The players were in high spirits after the game. CM 46571 Our team was in high spirits because of the victory. CM 695214 The talisman he's wearing is supposed to ward off evil spirits. darinmex 28555 The senior citizens' spirits were high in spite of the bad weather. CK 241780 We aren't instilling enough of a volunteer spirit in our young people these days. CM