43241 It's on the sofa. CK 1 2007744 Let's move the sofa. CK 1 3222949 Tom sat on the sofa. CK 1 60927 How much is this sofa? CK 1 43245 May I lie on the sofa? CK 1 291410 He is lying on the sofa. CK 1 1025811 Tom fell asleep on the sofa. CK 1 2361580 I found your wallet behind the sofa. CK 1 1024957 Tom is lying on the sofa watching TV. CK 1 400237 I don't want to buy this kind of sofa. sysko 1 1027469 I wish Tom would help me move the sofa. CK 1 1028056 Tom should have helped Mary move the sofa. CK 1 1855111 Tom has made himself comfortable on the sofa. LanguageExpert 1 43244 Sit on the sofa and make yourself comfortable. CM 1 306658 They were sitting on the sofa in our living room. CK 1 2414060 Tom and Mary sat on the sofa together watching TV. CK 1 1024351 Tom picked up the coins that had fallen behind the sofa. CK 1 2414086 Tom and Mary were sitting on the sofa very close to each other. CK 1 1095876 Tom asked Mary how much she'd paid for the sofa in her living room. CK 1 2414085 Tom and Mary were sitting on the sofa as far away from each other as possible. CK 1 3057761 How much is this sofa? Dejo 2030137 The cat ruined my sofa. Spamster 267982 The boy lay on the sofa. CK 2770588 Tom hid behind the sofa. CK 2545142 Tom sat down on the sofa. CK 2644395 Tom is asleep on the sofa. CK 281994 A cat is lying on the sofa. CK 50284 Don't sit down on the sofa. CK 3150720 I would like to buy a sofa. CK 2952357 I need help moving the sofa. CK 3148498 Tom is sleeping on the sofa. CK 43237 We would like to buy a sofa. CK 1255286 How much does this sofa cost? kalogrenant 311452 She was lounging on the sofa. CK 2121207 Take a little nap on the sofa. AlanF_US 60925 This sofa takes too much room. CK 3161953 Tom helped Mary move the sofa. CK 1556455 He is sprawled out on the sofa. brymck 72676 Three children sat on the sofa. CM 281993 The cat is sleeping on the sofa. CK 50283 The sofa takes up too much room. CK 2958626 Tom was stretched out on a sofa. CK 503494 Please sit on the sofa and relax. CK 72104 Sofas like that don't come cheap. CM 3087600 Tom found his key under the sofa. CK 319005 Dad extended his legs on the sofa. CM 273864 Grandfather is napping on the sofa. CM 68204 The boy tried moving the heavy sofa. CK 269080 The new sofa goes with the curtains. CK 3087601 Tom found his key underneath the sofa. CK