2542309 I'm tired of being your slave. CK 1 1092640 Tom treated Mary like a slave. CK 1 807126 Slaves were considered property. Source_VOA 1 17451 I refuse to be treated like a slave by you. CK 1 1935175 I'm not your slave. Spamster 2200286 Man is a slave to habits. freddy1 908970 She's a slave to fashion. Scott 321462 My boss is a slave driver. CM 317409 She is a slave of fashion. CM 1820244 The slave tried to escape. Spamster 298162 He treats me like his slave. CK 29645 Lincoln set the slaves free. CK 806987 Slaves did most of the work. Source_VOA 1495323 The master praised the slave. Thryth 3022223 Tom's grandfather was a slave. sharptoothed 2014621 Do you want to live like slaves? CK 2642412 Tom and Mary worked like slaves. CK 807164 There were no slaves in the West. Source_VOA 807173 Zachary Taylor was a slave owner. Source_VOA 29644 Lincoln granted liberty to slaves. CK 3022243 Tom slaves all day at the factory. sharptoothed 807228 President Monroe was a slave-owner. Source_VOA 1850972 I won't let you treat me like a slave. Dottyeyes 802436 They would not fight to free the slaves. Source_VOA 23659 The section chief made me work like a slave. NekoKanjya 803269 He said the only answer was a slave rebellion. Source_VOA 807563 Slaves were the least expensive form of labor. Source_VOA 805446 Lincoln agreed that all slaves should be freed. Source_VOA 2948233 He promised the slaves that they would be freed. AlanF_US 807637 The Thirteenth Amendment freed all Negro slaves. Source_VOA 29656 Lincoln ordered that all the slaves in the country should be set free. mcq 1535898 If you think that you are going to make me your slave, you can forget it. Chevere33 44783 Everyone was very surprised to discover that the slave girl was in reality a princess. CM 753118 Originally, Abraham Lincoln wanted all slaves to be deported to Africa or the Caribbean. CM