1092142 Tom's new shirt shrunk when he washed it and now it doesn't fit. CK 1 2369625 My jeans shrank. Hybrid 250332 My jeans shrank in the wash. CK 295030 He never shrinks from danger. CM 267856 The girl shrank back in fear. CM 3096234 Have you been seeing a shrink? CK 797258 It shrunk because I washed it. FeuDRenais 51365 My sweater shrank in the wash. CM 51360 The sweater shrank in the wash. CM 2369626 My jeans shrank after I washed them. Hybrid 295023 He shrank back in the face of danger. CM 3069616 The Japanese population is shrinking. Hybrid 2267869 That material's going to shrink if it's washed. _undertoad 241438 The shrinking of the domestic market has been blamed on inflation. CM 266817 If you wish to get on in the world, you must not shrink from effort. CK