2237739 Tom served dinner. CK 1 2245012 Breakfast is served. CK 1 42209 It serves you right. CK 1 242375 Now it's your serve. CK 1 314147 She served me coffee. CK 1 42544 It serves our purpose. CK 1 2278285 They don't serve that here. CK 1 2543903 We're waiting to be served. CK 1 322246 What are you serving today? CK 1 39680 What time is dinner served? CK 1 270116 No man can serve two masters. CK 1 35711 What was served at the party? CK 1 434286 At what time is dinner served? lukaszpp 1 324628 What time will dinner be served? Nero 1 288367 He served a ten-year prison term. CK 1 288146 He served as chairman for three years. CK 1 2359436 I've decided to serve only imported wine. CK 1 953414 I didn't eat everything that she served me. CK 1 1024488 Tom made enough soup to serve twenty people. CK 1 953476 I have no choice but to eat what they serve me. CK 1 952870 Tom served two months in jail for drunken driving. CK 1 1096052 They wouldn't serve Tom a drink because he was underage. CK 1 952869 Tom served five days in jail last year after pleading guilty to drunken driving. CK 1 1024510 Tom loves coming here since he thinks this place serves the only fast food worth eating. CK 1 1847738 Tom was sitting alone at a private table eating the most expensive meal that the restaurant served. CK 1 3022180 Whose serve is it? sharptoothed 297179 He served as mayor. CM 1582010 How may I serve you? Spamster 3022506 It serves you right. sharptoothed 2270171 When's dinner served? _undertoad 2140847 That serves him right. freddy1 54052 That serves you right. CM 450853 First come, first serve. FeuDRenais 2268381 The maid served the tea. _undertoad 1372757 This serves the purpose. alanood 243993 First come, first served. CK 2205600 When is breakfast served? freddy1 314078 She served us a good meal. CK 58814 This turkey will serve five. CM 3022446 Serve the coffee now, please. sharptoothed 2700761 Dinner will be served shortly. Hybrid 803087 He served as governor of Ohio. Source_VOA 1582090 He served his king faithfully. Spamster 44467 The box will serve as a table. CM 885284 This knife has served me well. slivercat 2267713 Serve the fish on that platter. _undertoad 61969 They serve excellent food here. CK 57502 This box will serve as a chair. CK 57504 This box will serve as a table. CK 1545412 This doesn't serve any purpose. Spamster