2253850 Wait a sec. CK 1 2250338 Give me a sec. CK 1 2649222 Hang on a sec. CK 1 2649220 Hold on a sec. CK 1 1850245 Wait a second. CK 1 1850244 Wait one second. CK 1 2648836 Give it a second. CK 1 1841171 Give me a second. CK 1 2648831 Give us a second. CK 1 1877599 Hang on a second. CK 1 1062463 It's second-hand. Guybrush88 1 2648553 Do you have a sec? CK 1 2869323 Give Tom a second. CK 1 2648056 Relax for a second. CK 1 2954107 Wait just a second. CK 1 3327433 Can I have a second? CK 1 2387793 I need you a second. CK 1 2276449 I won't be a second. CK 1 1474799 Tom finished second. Spamster 1 2647437 Tom paused a second. CK 1 3181169 Can we talk a second? CK 1 2647197 Do you have a second? CK 1 3168268 Excuse me one second. CK 1 2647166 Hold it for a second. CK 1 2647165 Hold on for a second. CK 1 2372808 I just need a second. CK 1 3181192 Can we talk for a sec? CK 1 3327778 Can you hold on a sec? CK 1 3151548 Give me a few seconds. CK 1 3151519 Give me just a second. CK 1 2331716 I had second thoughts. CK 1 2547303 I'll be back in a sec. CK 1 2547280 I'll get a second job. CK 1 2547259 I'll only be a second. CK 1 3151360 Just give me a second. CK 1 3151343 Just give us a second. CK 1 2772572 She's a second grader. CK 1 3222961 Sit down for a second. CK 1 2646073 Excuse us for a second. CK 1 3151461 Give me thirty seconds. CK 1 2546715 I'll be there in a sec. CK 1 2953088 It'll just be a second. CK 1 3151346 Just give Tom a second. CK 1 3222974 Sit tight for a second. CK 1 3181249 Can I talk to you a sec? CK 1 3096147 Can we see you a second? CK 1 31490 Give me a second chance. CK 1 2546097 I'll be out in a second. CK 1 2495053 Tom is my second cousin. sharptoothed 1 1164233 Tom seconded the motion. CK 1