294473 He is a scientist. CK 1 2648101 Is Tom a scientist? CK 1 1025151 Tom is a scientist. CK 1 293549 He is a great scientist. CK 1 322219 A true scientist wouldn't think like that. CM 1 682514 Scientists haven't found a cure for cancer yet. Source_VOA 1 2090864 You always said you wanted to become a scientist. Why didn't you? CK 1 1795439 I'm not a scientist. Spamster 3071460 Tom is a true scientist. sharptoothed 806894 Many scientists knew him. Source_VOA 294475 He is famous as a scientist. CK 1619581 He's a world-class scientist. Spamster 294472 He is a scientist and musician. CK 2542073 I thought you were a scientist. CK 3138287 Tom's wife is also a scientist. Hybrid 2778431 I decided to become a scientist. CK 1422353 Mr. Suzuki is a great scientist. CK 38959 Germany produced many scientists. Swift 287053 His son became a great scientist. CK 260904 I consider him a great scientist. CK 23981 I am determined to be a scientist. CK 46314 The boy grew up to be a scientist. CK 300330 He grew up to be a great scientist. CK 294476 He said he wanted to be a scientist. CK 298028 He said, "I want to be a scientist." kebukebu 315308 She grew up to be a great scientist. CK 2778432 I have decided to become a scientist. CK 23970 Scientists seem to have known the truth. CK 46315 The boy grew up to be a great scientist. CK 1731567 The scientists looked at tree-ring data. Spamster 299530 He wants to be a scientist in the future. CK 268024 The boy grew up to be a famous scientist. CK 259312 I want to grow up to be a great scientist. CM 57242 Many scientists are working in this field. CK 680890 The scientists worked on their experiment. Source_VOA 322220 A true scientist would not think like that. CM 294477 He studied very hard to become a scientist. Swift 274798 Many scientists live in this small village. CM 47062 The fact was of interest to the scientists. CM 68531 Those scientists are the cream of the crop. CM 555148 This is a scientist who is respected by all. FeuDRenais 23973 Scientists deal mainly with physical matters. NekoKanjya 23983 Scientists regard the discovery as important. NekoKanjya 1127457 The hero finally defeated the evil scientist. Scott 681913 The scientist is conducting medical research. Source_VOA 305039 A party of scientists were on board with them. CM 302212 He is one of the greatest scientists in Japan. CK 27793 The leader of the party is a famous scientist. NekoKanjya 34461 Bill has the makings of an excellent scientist. Shiawase 301384 He is a scientist who is respected by everybody. CK