2249078 It's for sale. CK 1 2649132 It was on sale. CK 1 2499672 Is this for sale? CK 1 2648488 It wasn't on sale. CK 1 2648425 They were on sale. CK 1 2499673 Are these for sale? CK 1 241843 Sales are down now. CK 1 55418 This isn't for sale. CK 1 2646517 These aren't for sale. CK 1 2546837 Everything was on sale. CK 1 2007627 Let's have a bake sale. CK 1 1276152 That house is for sale. CK 1 61215 Is this camera for sale? CK 1 1023844 Tom's house is for sale. CK 1 242761 Apples were on sale today. CK 1 242956 Sales are down this month. CK 1 60133 This house is not for sale. Dejo 1 1026992 Tom bought a camera on sale. CK 1 294430 He put up his house for sale. CK 1 2376246 I know Tom's house is for sale. CK 1 2541796 I'm sorry, this isn't for sale. CK 1 1025317 Tom has put his car up for sale. CK 1 294431 He advertised his house for sale. CK 1 3147916 This isn't for sale at any price. CK 1 312855 She has put her house up for sale. CK 1 256156 I am a member of the sales department. CK 1 1027213 Tom advertised his saxophone for sale. CK 1 1027000 Tom bought a camera at a bargain sale. CK 1 1094037 Tom found this clock at a garage sale. CK 1 284101 He's in charge of the sales department. CK 1 2360087 I've never seen things like that for sale. CK 1 1025027 Tom is going to put his house up for sale. CK 1 307308 They advertised that they had a house for sale. CK 1 1026969 Tom bought that pair of shoes at a clearance sale. CK 1 1095707 Tom called Mary to ask her to help at the bake sale. CK 1 37477 Sales have dropped off at every big department store. CM 1 1029608 Tom assumes Mary will be willing to help with the bake sale. CK 1 1202227 I put an advertisement in the newspaper saying my house was for sale. CK 1 1884420 Tom was standing just in front of a large building that was up for sale. CK 1 1425424 Is that for sale? Spamster 1904409 It's not for sale. Spamster 744541 All sales are final. darinmex 323540 Fur coats are on sale. CK 285702 His house is for sale. CK 681113 Their sales are growing. Source_VOA 262629 Our sales are decreasing. CK 57414 This article is for sale. papabear 2372779 I just love bargain sales. CK 2658395 The pay is based on sales. WestofEden 56867 This book is not for sale. CK