English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Room" in Example Sentences
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2241114	We have room.	CK	1
2387466	I need a room.	CK	1
2249860	Seal the room.	CK	1
264792	Sweep my room.	papabear	1
378284	Clean the room.	CK	1
2377094	Here's my room.	NotApplicable	1
645044	Leave the room.	CK	1
435774	Clean your room.	CK	1
1844206	Go to your room.	CK	1
2674942	I left the room.	Hybrid	1
3315036	It's a big room.	CK	1
762151	The room is hot.	CK	1
2648883	Where's my room?	CK	1
3071738	I like this room.	sharptoothed	1
2989999	I like your room.	AlanF_US	1
2387502	I need more room.	CK	1
2648760	Show us the room.	CK	1
742798	The room was hot.	rpglover64	1
72335	This is room 839.	CK	1
2648741	This room is hot.	CK	1
2234140	What's this room?	CK	1
319618	Clean up the room.	CK	1
251768	Come into my room.	CK	1
2307995	I cleaned my room.	CK	1
2551874	I was in the room.	ilovegreece	1
55977	Is that your room?	CK	1
2249861	Search every room.	CK	1
3184889	Stay in this room.	CK	1
2648455	Stay in your room.	CK	1
1898196	The room is empty.	CK	1
2163172	The room was dark.	Source_VOA	1
319577	The room was warm.	CK	1
2648411	This room is cold.	CK	1
2548989	Tom is in my room.	CK	1
2698771	Tom left the room.	WestofEden	1
73475	Where is Room 105?	CK	1
2255467	Your room's ready.	CK	1
2548876	Clean up your room.	CK	1
319544	Come into the room.	CK	1
1845502	Get out of my room.	CK	1
2891213	Give Tom some room.	CK	1
297985	He entered my room.	CK	1
436677	I have my own room.	lukaszpp	1
261566	I sleep in my room.	CK	1
1494896	I want my own room.	Zaghawa	1
2548805	I'll be in my room.	CK	1
2648103	Is this Tom's room?	CK	1
1898195	The room was quiet.	CK	1
2505825	This is Tom's room.	Hybrid	1
391397	This room is quiet.	Sushiman	1