29634 The apples are ripe. CK 1 60568 These plums are ripe. CK 1 57385 These grapes are ripe. CK 1 60649 Are these bananas ripe? CK 1 278970 He lived to a ripe old age. CK 1 43455 The apple is not yet ripe. Plodder 2667372 These bananas are not ripe. meerkat 241135 The time is ripe for action. CK 55273 The apples will be ripe soon. CK 29618 The apples are not quite ripe. CK 49729 The apple is not quite ripe yet. CK 54146 Cherries are ripe in June or July. CK 2268158 The grapes ripened well that summer. _undertoad 2820887 Are the cherries ripe enough to pick? sharptoothed 945665 The recipe calls for four ripe tomatoes. darinmex 271983 A green banana is not ripe enough to eat. BraveSentry 548762 My grandpa lived to the ripe old age of 97. darinmex 3187251 You need a very sharp knife to slice a ripe strawberry. CK 20500 When the time is ripe, be bold and go for it! I'll stand by you. NekoKanjya 66416 The berries were ripening almost as fast as we could gather them. CK 1707239 You can easily judge the ripeness of a banana by the color of its peel. AnneWy