49708 You will find the restaurant on your right. CK 68595 Did you have a good meal at that restaurant? CK 2885032 Do you know any good restaurant around here? CK 2459525 He was barred from entering this restaurant. sharptoothed 3154851 I ate dinner at a restaurant on Park Street. CK 1387353 I know a good restaurant that's inexpensive. CK 3162085 Is Tom still helping out at your restaurant? CK 2209653 It's the best French restaurant in New York. Hybrid 1214426 She was seen at a restaurant with her lover. eastasiastudent 3147948 That restaurant is probably a little pricey. CK 68590 They serve terrible food at that restaurant. CK 59630 Are there any Japanese restaurants near here? CK 61364 Do you know of any good restaurant near here? CK 1898365 I never want to eat at this restaurant again. CK 2973424 I ran into Bernard yesterday in a restaurant. AlanF_US 2952547 I used to work in the same restaurant as Tom. CK 72614 It's in front of a restaurant on 42nd street. CM 68593 They serve delicious food at that restaurant. CK 244363 I met her by chance at a restaurant yesterday. Zifre 431105 Our restaurant is better than that restaurant. FeuDRenais 838875 The restaurant was far from the train station. Scott 29511 There are several customers in the restaurant. CK 2206708 They're at the restaurant looking at the menu. FeuDRenais 3154748 Tom eats lunch at this restaurant quite often. CK 3153751 We should give that restaurant a try sometime. CK 63577 A cafeteria is a self-service style restaurant. CK 434422 Can you please tell me where the restaurant is? lukaszpp 2537791 I'm going to open up my own restaurant someday. CK 2258948 Is there a good restaurant somewhere near here? _undertoad 680337 Smoking is banned in restaurants in California. Source_VOA 2744804 The curry rice at this restaurant is delicious. CK 3315021 There's a big restaurant right down the street. CK 1486641 They went to an expensive restaurant for lunch. Spamster 1830503 We're going to eat at a new restaurant tonight. CK 49715 You can see the whole park from the restaurant. CK 59626 Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? CK 62114 Could you write me directions to the restaurant? CK 1808147 Even though it's small, it's a great restaurant. Spamster 254352 I felt out of place in the expensive restaurant. CK 252933 I'm not satisfied with the restaurant's service. CM 3204835 Tell Tom I don't want to eat at that restaurant. CK 29510 The dirty plates in the restaurant disgusted us. CM 1917777 The restaurant will reopen under new management. zahurdias 35926 There are many Japanese restaurants in New York. CK 3058307 This is one of the nicest restaurants in Boston. Hybrid 360891 This is the best kushikatsu restaurant in Osaka. blay_paul 2207447 This restaurant serves authentic French cuisine. Hybrid 2712562 Tom pointed at the restaurant across the street. CK 2537662 Tom was waiting for Mary outside the restaurant. CK 3154816 I've eaten at this restaurant three times before. CK