2515299 The restaurant is full. Hybrid 2312415 Where is the restaurant? Adelpa 2254610 I'm a restaurant manager. DiePain 2545244 The restaurant was quiet. CK 60337 This restaurant won't do. CM 880569 There's a restaurant here. alexmarcelo 488425 My father has a restaurant. biglion 431117 Our restaurant is the best. FeuDRenais 2515298 The restaurant wasn't full. Hybrid 1120766 I'm going to the restaurant. cntrational 252140 I once worked in a restaurant. CK 2515303 We ate dinner at a restaurant. Hybrid 2474206 Is there a restaurant close by? sharptoothed 312429 She went out of the restaurant. CM 623995 When does the restaurant close? Dorenda 1230543 That restaurant's too expensive. alec 681633 The hotel was once a restaurant. Source_VOA 2541271 The restaurant was almost empty. CK 306297 They all went to the restaurant. CK 642704 Where is the nearest restaurant? boracasli 33597 I know a good Italian restaurant. CK 541814 This restaurant is badly managed. FeuDRenais 65192 I found a good Mexican restaurant. CK 1290637 I found this restaurant by chance. paula_guisard 3024282 I own a restaurant on Park Street. CK 773350 Is there a restaurant around here? marloncori 2580923 This restaurant only accepts cash. Hybrid 2952407 I saw Tom entering that restaurant. CK 62720 Kate ran to my father's restaurant. CK 2145738 I don't need to eat in a restaurant. Dejo 2623550 I found this restaurant by accident. Joseph 256090 I go to the restaurant every 2 days. CM 452580 I wanna have dinner in a restaurant. peipei 2131895 Invite us to dinner at a restaurant. AlanF_US 2961486 The new restaurant opened last week. meerkat 1419159 They want me to sell the restaurant. Spamster 2742886 Tom disappeared into the restaurant. CM 290565 He had a good time in the restaurant. CK 255931 I entered a restaurant and had lunch. CK 60340 The curry at this restaurant is good. CK 290769 He has a big restaurant near the lake. CK 289477 He left the restaurant without paying. CK 706882 I want to have dinner at a restaurant. papabear 2562589 I wonder if this restaurant has pilaf? FeuDRenais 321711 I'm fed up with eating in restaurants. CK 2539183 I'm selling my half of the restaurant. CK 68591 That restaurant serves excellent food. CK 462900 The restaurant is on the ground floor. lukaszpp 789175 This is the best restaurant I know of. Eldad 21767 We had lunch at a roadside restaurant. CK