2111690 I'm responsible. CK 1 2203283 We're responsible. CK 1 2203785 Who's responsible? CK 1 2245749 I feel responsible. CK 1 1887297 I felt responsible. CK 1 2203284 Tom is responsible. CK 1 2203285 You're responsible. CK 1 2247680 I'll be responsible. CK 1 2547899 I wasn't responsible. CK 1 2236265 Tom felt responsible. CK 1 2240636 We're not responsible. CK 1 2218285 You aren't responsible. CK 1 2218284 You're not responsible. CK 1 2262034 I'm responsible for Tom. CK 1 2545305 I'm responsible for this. CK 1 3312838 We can be held responsible. CK 1 2955068 You're the responsible one. CK 1 2301882 I can't be held responsible. CK 1 2325970 I feel a little responsible. CK 1 2376547 I know you feel responsible. CK 1 2542943 I'm not responsible for this. CK 1 1951872 You can't hold me responsible. CK 1 2275973 I don't care who's responsible. CK 1 2541812 I'm responsible for everything. CK 1 2953613 We don't know who's responsible. CK 1 2308020 I consider Tom to be responsible. CK 1 2540894 I'm responsible for Tom's safety. CK 1 953108 Are you responsible for this mess? CK 1 2540106 I'm not certain Tom is responsible. CK 1 2957384 Tom isn't responsible for anything. CK 1 2663122 Who's responsible for this problem? CK 1 255276 I'm not responsible for what Tom did. CK 1 1024881 Tom is responsible for this accident. CK 1 2712764 You're responsible for this accident. CK 1 2326223 I felt responsible for Tom's accident. CK 1 2538911 I'm responsible for what happened here. CK 1 1950722 Tom can't be held responsible for this. CK 1 1950736 I can't be responsible for Tom's safety. CK 1 1025817 Tom feels responsible for what happened. CK 1 1029938 Tom and Mary are both responsible for it. CK 1 1094105 Tom felt responsible for Mary's accident. CK 1 681920 Tom is responsible for preparing the report. Source_VOA 1 263717 It was you that was responsible for the accident. CK 1 269755 Parents are responsible for their children's education. CK 1 273507 The captain is responsible for the safety of passengers. CK 1 325716 Parents are responsible for the safety of their children. CK 1 1961471 I thought Tom might be the one responsible for the problem. CK 1 700339 He is responsible for it. Alois 2904404 I'm responsible for that. astynk 3184196 I think Tom is responsible. CK