2663445 We've resolved the problem. CK 1 1093775 Tom had trouble resolving the situation. CK 1 408327 The problem resolved itself. Liface 306091 They resolved to work harder. CM 257684 I resolved I would do my best. CM 2663231 Many problems resolve themselves. CK 294668 He resolved to turn over a new leaf. CM 44126 It is impossible to resolve the conflict. CM 1689310 Why is it necessary to resolve conflicts? PaisanoUSA 43715 The problem will resolve itself eventually. CM 293127 He resolved to do better work in the future. CM 803918 This case might not get resolved for a while. FeuDRenais 1996971 I give you five minutes to resolve this issue. MrShoval 2662664 In time, all these minor problems will be resolved. CK 2796058 It's time to resolve this question once and for all. AlanF_US 672187 I hope that you are able to resolve the situation soon. Zifre 263808 The office staff worked quickly and efficiently to resolve the problem. CM 2662502 They haven't yet resolved their problems, but at least they're discussing them. CK