English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Refuse" in Example Sentences
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284685	He had enough wisdom to refuse the offer.	Nero
258482	I don't know whether to accept or refuse.	CK
1509951	I refuse to dignify that with a response.	wrarshad91
3045795	I refuse to pay more than standard rates.	sharptoothed
497991	I'm afraid that she'll refuse my request.	FeuDRenais
249744	It was hard for me to refuse his request.	CK
2600039	The child refused to let anyone feed him.	sharptoothed
20197	The reporter refused to name his sources.	CK
2722400	Tom refused to give Mary what she wanted.	CK
807444	Grant refused to give them a firm promise.	Source_VOA
803210	He had refused to compromise on the issue.	Source_VOA
803262	He refused to ask for advice from experts.	Source_VOA
309841	He refused to believe that she was guilty.	CK
274875	He refused to quit despite many obstacles.	CK
1540774	I refuse to answer such a stupid question.	CM
562263	It was a mistake to refuse his assistance.	FeuDRenais
1937347	My boyfriend refuses to use the microwave.	Beatminister
308776	She had enough wisdom to refuse the offer.	CK
732294	She refused to say more about that matter.	Eldad
680600	The bank refused to give them more credit.	Source_VOA
802459	They refused to give up their way of life.	Source_VOA
3161831	Tom refused my help and did it on his own.	CK
2985377	Tom refuses to retire in spite of his age.	sharptoothed
807465	Conkling refused to accept the appointment.	Source_VOA
302694	He asked her to marry him, but she refused.	CK
2886264	Tom has been refusing to take his medicine.	CK
396224	You should have flatly refused his request.	CM
807491	Britain refused to be part of the agreement.	Source_VOA
262218	I refused to eat until my parents came home.	papabear
283565	The reason he refused your offer is obvious.	xtofu80
3118265	Tom can't refuse his grandchildren anything.	Hybrid
3150573	Tom refuses to buy anything made of leather.	CK
294561	He refused to listen to our request for help.	CK
290547	He refuses to become involved in the trouble.	CM
895060	I do not know whether to accept or to refuse.	pauldhunt
275885	The President refused to answer the question.	CK
804110	The Soviet Union and its allies refused help.	Source_VOA
2955947	Tom asked Mary to marry him, but she refused.	CK
28090	Doctors refused to perform a second operation.	NekoKanjya
807565	The government of Mexico refused to negotiate.	Source_VOA
2889182	He's made up his mind and refuses to change it.	astynk
1299797	I'm absolutely certain you will not be refused.	Eldad
573875	I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.	Leono
807595	Roosevelt refused to accept the idea of defeat.	Source_VOA
313432	She refuses to abandon her career for marriage.	CM
3157014	The operator refused to put Tom's call through.	CK
630571	Can you explain to me why you refused his offer?	vicch
313933	She refused to let her child go out in the rain.	CK
805395	Some of the Indian leaders refused to negotiate.	Source_VOA
805396	The Confederate leaders refused to accept defeat.	Source_VOA