1096382 Let's face reality. CK 1 2251279 That's the reality. CK 1 1648362 Tom likes reality TV. Spamster 1 239606 You should face reality. CK 1 1946847 Tom is out of touch with reality. Spamster 1 21937 Mary's dream of going abroad finally became a reality. Swift 1 33519 I remember it as if it were yesterday, but in reality it was fifteen years ago. CK 1 2880628 Reality is scary. Hybrid 2199402 You need a reality check. Hybrid 2644629 You need to face reality. CK 41707 It's time you faced reality. CK 239596 You can't escape from reality. Zifre 287578 His dream has become a reality. CK 43834 The dream has become a reality. CM 1946850 You're out of touch with reality. Spamster 239607 You should face up to the reality. CM 908742 Who's your favorite reality TV star? CK 2942468 Sometimes reality seems to me unreal. eirik174 239600 It is not always easy to face reality. CM 315600 She tried to screen her son from reality. CM 248704 We must adapt to today's harsh realities. CK 667929 Reality can be beaten with enough imagination. CK 931490 She looks young, but in reality she's over 40. FeuDRenais 294727 He is wealthy in appearance but not in reality. CM 265230 In reality, all they are interested in is power. CM 73407 Teenagers must adapt to today's harsh realities. CM 304055 He is prime minister in name, but not in reality. CM 299155 He looks young, but in reality he is past thirty. CM 1818296 What is the difference between reality and truth? AsliAbbasi 1276567 Can't you separate fantasy and reality from each other? Ignoto 52619 John is brave in appearance, but is in reality a coward. CM 328484 You couldn't say that was a plan with any sense of reality to it. fcbond 44783 Everyone was very surprised to discover that the slave girl was in reality a princess. CM