English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Quite" in Example Sentences
Page 15

63619	There were quite a few passengers on board the ship.	CM
241782	He is quite different from what he was ten years ago.	CK
31883	Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich.	CK
45068	The transportation system in that city is quite good.	CM
1312914	I'm not quite happy with the wording of this sentence.	Swift
2114656	The effect was quite different from what was intended.	CK
308464	It is quite natural that she should get angry with him.	CK
1898278	People tell you a lot of things that aren't quite true.	CK
240523	What we say and what we mean are often quite different.	CK
266296	He looked quite happy in contrast with those around him.	CM
255989	I didn't use to like wine, but now I'm quite fond of it.	CM
66942	It's quite absurd of you to tell her that sort of thing.	CM
17781	It's quite plain that you haven't been paying attention.	Zifre
718442	Quite a few shingles flew off the roof during the storm.	darinmex
242582	There were quite a few students absent from class today.	kebukebu
3185480	Tom visits us quite often, but he never stays very long.	CK
682332	Under a microscope, some viruses appear quite beautiful.	Source_VOA
282659	You must be quite accustomed to using chopsticks by now.	CK
1192414	After his wife died, he lived for quite a few more years.	CK
63602	Quite a few people were present at the meeting yesterday.	kebukebu
274945	Quite a few students failed to hand in their assignments.	CM
2890124	I'm sure I've met Tom before, but I can't quite place him.	sharptoothed
324139	It causes quite a sensation when Nomo pitches a no-hitter.	CM
2744879	It's quite a jump from one side of the brook to the other.	sharptoothed
264189	The next time that I see you, you will be quite different.	CM
2639735	Tom is slurring his words. I think he's drunk quite a lot.	CK
406982	When you skateboard, it puts quite a strain on your knees.	Scott
69845	You speak so softly that I cannot quite hear what you say.	CK
63603	Quite a few people couldn't recognize him in that disguise.	CM
1093228	Tom made it quite clear who we weren't supposed to talk to.	CK
244256	What we have is one thing and what we are is quite another.	CM
17234	What you say is quite different from what I heard from him.	Zifre
1030600	He's bulked up quite a bit since he's been going to the gym.	darinmex
2985669	I got quite a scare when they said you were in the hospital.	sharptoothed
3060696	It cost me quite a bit to take a taxi home from the station.	sharptoothed
17811	Thanks to your help, I could understand the book quite well.	Zifre
57837	This town is quite different from what it was ten years ago.	CK
2629818	Tom is more than my friend, but he's not quite my boyfriend.	WestofEden
2530548	When I was a kid, we used to play hide and seek quite a lot.	CK
309674	If her nose were a little shorter, she would be quite pretty.	CK
619850	It was quite fascinating to see how these men were surviving.	ulyssemc1
1961788	I thought you wouldn't like sushi, but I liked it quite a lot.	CK
1846787	I have a lot of old books. A couple of them are quite valuable.	CK
280411	The road was quite muddy, and, what is worse, it began to rain.	CM
954413	There's something happening here that I don't quite understand.	CK
1025842	Tom eats tofu quite often because he heard that it was healthy.	CK
50930	We still have quite a few more miles to go before we get there.	CK
3227115	If I remember correctly, you were quite optimistic at that time.	CK
954412	There's something about this translation that isn't quite right.	CK
238039	It is one thing to make a plan and quite another to carry it out.	CK