English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Quite" in Example Sentences
Page 11

33968	I found the bed quite comfortable.	CK
1349612	It's quite likely that he'll come.	CK
46179	The information was quite useless.	CK
262797	The issue is quite familiar to us.	CK
3171742	Tom caused quite a lot of trouble.	CK
2821230	Tom seemed to be in quite a hurry.	CK
2695715	We have quite a lot to talk about.	freddy1
3309945	We've been here for quite a while.	CK
2039956	Frankly speaking, he was quite shy.	Eldad
290005	He is quite at home with computers.	CK
245625	He was quite weak in his childhood.	CK
287008	His explanation was quite above me.	CM
285632	His wife is quite a talented woman.	CK
64754	I have heard quite a lot about you.	CK
252962	I know those tall girls quite well.	CK
2790645	I'm quite interested in philosophy.	Dejo
246495	It was quite dark when I got there.	CK
2694016	It's quite a lot of work, actually.	Hybrid
2800347	My down jacket keeps me quite warm.	CK
316579	She was quite eager in her studies.	CM
49787	Such an event is quite common here.	CM
50407	The saying is quite familiar to us.	CK
3171480	Tom gave Mary quite a lot of money.	CK
3070236	You've made up quite a story there.	McBridge9
17180	Your ideas are quite old fashioned.	CK
57332	I am quite comfortable in this room.	CK
1961312	I thought I was quite clear on that.	CK
44439	That discovery was quite accidental.	CK
3312415	We have quite a lot of work planned.	CK
2954517	You handled that problem quite well.	CK
303827	He lent me the money quite willingly.	CK
260869	I am quite unqualified to teach them.	CK
2361370	I don't quite understand that either.	CK
259403	I feel quite at ease among strangers.	CK
72034	I have had quite enough of his jokes.	CK
250433	In my opinion, it's quite unsuitable.	CK
1349616	It's quite likely that he'll be late.	CK
63601	Quite a few people came to the party.	CK
1897808	That's not quite what I was thinking.	CK
239086	The inspection was quite perfunctory.	CM
2953368	The prices here are quite reasonable.	CK
2349163	The weather is quite pleasantly cool.	ArizonaJim
60297	This easy chair is quite comfortable.	CK
2955644	Tom and I know each other quite well.	CK
2641342	Tom and I never quite saw eye to eye.	CK
2821172	Tom seems quite pleased with himself.	CK
2821167	You seem quite pleased with yourself.	CK
2951560	Both Tom and Mary can swim quite well.	CK
298769	He is quite satisfied with his income.	CK
290742	He is quite satisfied with the result.	CK