2111959 Be punctual. CK 1 2203240 I'm punctual. CK 1 2203237 We're punctual. CK 1 2203239 Tom is punctual. CK 1 2203238 You're punctual. CK 1 3330211 I wasn't punctual. CK 1 289145 He is always punctual. CK 1 1221648 Tom has never been punctual. alphafour 1 886875 She advised him to be punctual. CK 1 887528 She was advised by him to be punctual. CK 1 400173 You can't depend on him to be punctual. CK 1 319165 My father scolded me for not being punctual. CK 1 298372 He is punctual. CK 3172337 Are you punctual? CK 3360564 Tom was punctual. CK 22938 We value punctuality. NekoKanjya 257084 I advise you to be punctual. CK 17514 I expect you to be punctual. CK 2643554 Tom never was very punctual. CK 298377 He is proud of his punctuality. CM 258120 I make a point of being punctual. CK 256595 I'd like you to be more punctual. CK 1562141 Try to be more punctual from now on. CM 298379 He prided himself on his punctuality. U2FS 3330210 I'm pretty sure Tom will be punctual. CK 283785 You can rely upon his being punctual. CK 56285 From now on, I promise to be punctual. CM 32814 In the first place, you should be punctual. CM 264012 It is important that you should be punctual. CM 314531 She doesn't like people who aren't punctual. CK 284615 The trouble with him is that he is not punctual. CM 245557 Compared with her sister, she isn't very punctual. CM 273001 Our teacher dwelt on the importance of punctuality. CM 286335 The trouble with him is that he is seldom punctual. CM 66111 As usual, Mike turned up on time. He's very punctual. CM 264013 Can't you ever be punctual? I have been waiting here for one hour. CM 954223 One thing you should know about me is that I'm obsessed with punctuality. CK