2272853 Tom is a professional. CK 1 2240799 We're both professionals. CK 1 1494225 Tom is a professional dancer. Spamster 1 2276352 Tom is a professional killer. CK 1 1494228 Tom is a professional hockey player. Spamster 1 1494227 Tom is a professional baseball player. Spamster 1 681108 Tom belongs to two professional groups. Source_VOA 1 2291858 I always wanted to be a professional singer. CK 1 2360018 I've never been to a professional baseball game. CK 1 1838050 Tom was a professional gambler before he met Mary. CK 1 1867815 Tom used to dream of playing professional baseball. CK 1 2042718 Tom never really wanted to become a professional musician. CK 1 1027339 Since the accident, Tom has given up hope of becoming a professional dancer. CK 1 1027641 Before the crash, Tom had been hoping to become a professional tennis player. CK 1 909509 To become a professional banjo player, you need to spend thousands of hours practicing. CK 1 1635553 I'm not a professional. Spamster 1211482 They're professional singers. alec 2643020 Leave it to the professionals. CK 1494226 Mary is a professional dancer. Spamster 2957013 Tom is a professional gambler. CK 2947834 Tom is a professional wrestler. Hybrid 2958161 Tom sounds like a professional. CK 2958490 Tom was a professional magician. CK 1749141 He's a professional photographer. Spamster 2947849 Tom loves professional wrestling. Hybrid 2961212 You might need professional help. meerkat 1400813 Mary is a professional pole dancer. Spamster 2224 Do you have professional experience? Dejo 2946665 It's a professional-looking website. mervert1 268597 A professional is painting the house. CK 2952534 I used to be a professional musician. CK 2626931 Tom is a professional baseball player. Joseph 306015 They became professional soccer players. CK 2640882 Tom and Mary are professional musicians. CK 251378 My son wants to be a professional golfer. CK 3123801 Our relationship is strictly professional. Hybrid 681896 I hired a professional to repair the stove. Source_VOA 2538141 Tom's a licensed, health-care professional. CK 69774 You are a professional, but I am an amateur. CK 309088 Her acting is on the level of a professional. CM 49353 The house is being painted by a professional. CK 2957328 Tom is the only professional musician I know. CK 2537847 Tom used to be a professional baseball player. CK 17286 Your singing puts professional singers to shame. papabear 742941 Professional writers do not have a regular income. eastasiastudent 277457 Some people don't approve of professional baseball. CK 1030602 A professional thief can jimmy a car door in no time. darinmex 868633 Your singing would put a professional singer to shame. ColinG 2537266 This is Tom's second year playing professional baseball. CK 953871 I've always wanted to be a professional basketball player. CK