2187249 Let's pray. CK 1 2203754 Tom prayed. CK 1 2249823 Pray for me. CK 1 2235679 Did Tom pray? CK 1 2244661 Pray for Tom. CK 1 2247798 I'll pray hard. CK 1 1660975 Tom is praying. Amastan 1 2111870 Everyone prayed. CK 1 2648767 Pray for me, Tom. CK 1 3330084 I'll pray for Tom. CK 1 2648466 Pray with me, Tom. CK 1 26855 We prayed for rain. CK 1 2241433 We prayed together. CK 1 2953864 We'll pray for you. CK 1 304885 We knelt down to pray. CK 1 1839525 I'll be praying for you. CK 1 22845 We all knelt down to pray. CK 1 1024334 Tom prayed to God for help. CK 1 302197 He prays several times a day. CK 1 305202 We prayed for their happiness. CK 1 1027162 Tom always prays before eating. CK 1 1740685 I pray for Tom almost every day. Amastan 1 315583 She prayed for her son's return. CK 1 1028196 Tom prayed for Mary to get well. CK 1 1028195 Tom prayed for Mary's safe return. CK 1 2953890 We're all praying for Tom's recovery. CK 1 1027126 Tom and the other farmers prayed for rain. CK 1 1661143 I am praying. Amastan 1686821 I cannot pray now. Amastan 1994360 I'll pray for you. Spamster 1387234 Let's all pray together. Guybrush88 1399929 I pray for a better future. xellugis 1739419 I can teach you how to pray. Amastan 789387 We are all praying for Japan. CM 1722869 Have you ever prayed in a mosque? Amastan 2891816 Praying for Tom is all you can do. CK 1747711 When was the last time you prayed? Amastan 2958079 Tom seemed to be praying to himself. CK 1650622 I sometimes pray in the meeting room. Amastan 315111 She used to pray before going to bed. mamat 2007259 Let's just pray it never happens again. CK 2957708 Tom prayed that Mary would forgive him. CK 2124012 When the shooting began, I just prayed. MrShoval 733789 Muslims always pray facing toward Mecca. darinmex 1823926 I prayed that my father would forgive me. Amastan 1823907 I prayed that my mother would forgive me. Amastan 2007246 Let's just pray this never happens again. CK 435637 I pray that you will have the best of luck. CK 316934 She prayed that her mother would forgive her. CK 1823918 Tom prayed that his mother would forgive him. Amastan