2548829 I weigh 130 pounds. CK 1 315645 She weighs 120 pounds. CK 1 1402025 Tom lost seventy pounds. Spamster 1 1164315 Tom pounded on the door. CK 1 2301554 I want to lose ten pounds. Hybrid 1 1619779 I need to lose five pounds. Spamster 1 2929272 You've gained a few pounds. CK 1 1177488 Tom has a pounding headache. CK 1 2300699 I can feel my heart pounding. CK 1 1026983 Tom bought a pound of cheese. CK 1 1047161 Tom is ten pounds heavier than Jack. CK 1 1627027 Tom lost more than a hundred pounds. Spamster 1 2033682 You might want to lose a few pounds. CK 1 2400184 Tom is a few pounds heavier than Mary. CK 1 2400185 Tom is a few pounds lighter than Mary. CK 1 3286792 It looks like you've lost a few pounds. CK 1 1386882 Tom wouldn't mind if Mary gained a few pounds. Spamster 1 2389538 I only weighed 120 pounds when I was in high school. CK 1 1092499 Tom wanted to lose five pounds before summer vacation. CK 1 724393 It's two pounds. Guybrush88 3343219 I lost 30 pounds. CK 288481 He weighs 270 pounds. CK 1037114 My heart is pounding. GPHemsley 42641 It is sold by the pound. CK 23251 We bought a pound of tea. CK 61233 This bag cost me 6 pounds. CK 267672 Flour is sold by the pound. CK 1655358 He has gained a few pounds. Spamster 1183859 He weighs about 300 pounds. Scott 243596 We sell sugar by the pound. CK 33066 A pound is a unit of weight. CM 35206 Butter is sold by the pound. CK 2012985 I want to lose a few pounds. CK 72534 Do you have a five-pound note? CM 61941 Fish is sold by the pound here. CK 291220 He bet two pounds on the horse. CK 254608 I bet five pounds on the horse. CK 2961188 My cat weighs about ten pounds. meerkat 2956899 Tom has gained thirteen pounds. CK 2957517 Tom must weigh over 300 pounds. CK 37445 Tomatoes are sold by the pound. CK 3150784 I bought three pounds of coffee. CK 311984 She bought two pounds of butter. CK 278225 I'd like three pounds of chicken. CK 72536 Can I borrow five pounds from you? CM 2712872 Tom pounded his fists on the desk. CK 2540007 Tom bought three pounds of bananas. CK 2698261 I should probably lose a few pounds. CK 59705 This beef is four dollars per pound. CK 46498 The parcel weighs more than one pound. CK