2542476 I'm against the death penalty. CK 1 1095778 Tom believes that the death penalty should be abolished. CK 1 246362 We must abolish the death penalty. CK 266987 We should abolish the death penalty. CK 286382 His crime deserved the death penalty. CK 979435 His crime deserves the death penalty. CK 246363 The death penalty should be abolished. CM 22948 We should do away with the death penalty. CK 1316743 He advocated abolishing the death penalty. CM 1527880 Do you support or oppose the death penalty? Spamster 566095 The death penalty is final and irreversible. CM 246361 The death penalty was done away with last year. Eldad 1961420 I thought the death penalty should be abolished. CK 67568 The death penalty had been done away with in many states in the USA. CM 246364 The death penalty has been done away with in many states in the USA. CM